Julep O' Toole; Miss Independent-Trudi Trueit

Julep O’ Toole is back in Miss Independent!! In this book Julep wants to pick out her own clothes, get a cell phone, and wear make-up, to bad this is to “grown up” for her mom. Juelp does not feel any better when she sees her sister wear make-up and pick out her own clothes. When she finally thinks that she is getting along with her mother disaster strikes and she will not even speak to her mom!! So when she gets an invitation to spend a week away from her mom she is happy. When she gets to her dream vacation spots she realizes that what she really wants is to get along with her mom.

I thought this book was very good. It is interesting how all the Juelp O’ Toole books tie to the first book Confessions of a Middle Child. I think that this is a good book for girls to read with their moms.

Blogged By- Maranda W.

One thought on “Julep O' Toole; Miss Independent-Trudi Trueit

  1. I also read this book but thought that the first one was better. Some points that Maranda didn’t point out were that Julep’s friend Bernadette went with her on the trip. Julep left about a day early because she had a good idea about starting a journal with her mom. I think girls would like this book more than boys because there are girly parts in the book.
    Saliha H.

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