This book is about a girl named Fern who was swapped to different parents at birth. Fern was born to a woman named Eliza, but when Fern was born, Eliza began to lose blood, and eventually died. Fern goes to live with a family by the name of Drudger, but when Fern is eleven years old, her father comes with his “son” Howard, and the nurse who delivered Fern and Howard. Fern takes Howard up to her room, but before she disappears around the corner of the stairs, her father gives her a wink, and she winks back! When she is called back downstairs, her “parents” say that she is going to live with her father people call him the Bone for a month, and Howard is going to live with the Drudgers for a month. When the Bone puts Fern in the car, he tells her that when she winked back at him, she proved to him that she is something called an Anybody. Her father tells her he is an Anybody too. An Anybody can turn into anything whenever they want to. If you want to know the rest, then you will have to read this book. I think this book would be good for boys and girls but, girls might like it a little bit better because it has lots of magic and make-believe.
Blogged by Carina D.