Scary Selfie

The scary selfie picture that we had done was a digital assinment that showed us how to use photobooth and photoshop. One I took my selfie pic I dragged it over to photoshop and staerted editing it on Adobe Photoshop. It looked easy when the teacher was showing us how to use it the day before on Niki Manaji but when we actually tried it ourselves it was much for complex and confusing. The end result I think was pretty scary to me with my bloody mouth from the internet and painting of my three eyes.

Ten Tips

The Ten Tips assignment purpose was to help us know how and how not to take pictures of people, places, and things. We started by going on Kodak’s website and taking notes and sketching pics of the 10 tips. The next week we got our digital cameras then went outside to take 20 pics using the 10 tips. It was fun to do but at the same time it was challenging because there was not much to take pictures of other than the trash cans or people. After we had learned how to W.O.W. our pictures by adjusting the contrast and colors to look more appealing to others.


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