Cover Those Books!



YOU are responsible for the textbooks checked out to you, so take good care of those little darlings! One way is to cover them. You could buy a stretchy book cover for each book OR you could do it FOR FREE with a paper sack.

Click here to watch a video showing you how to cover your books FOR FREE!

Welcome Back to School, Roadrunners!

           Thursday, August 16th and Friday, August 17th are textbook checkout days here at the James Rutter Library. Students will get their English and History textbooks on Thursday and Math and Science books on Friday. Students, remember to write your name in your books . But, remember – YOU are always responsible for your books. The librarian will be visiting your math class on Wednesday August 22 and Thursday August 23 to talk about how to take care of your textbooks. There will also be a drawing for a prize in each class. Mrs. Conway looks forward to seeing you!