The Ideal Pet


                  The best pet in my whole life is a dog. One reason why I like dogs is because sometimes they can help you scare people away.  For example, dogs  sometimes like barking at people and that is what I like them. Another reason why I like dogs is because they can always run with you and other things. For example, when you run they run beside you. My last reason is that the reason why I like dogs is because they can make you laugh. For example, the can make you laugh by when they chew on your shoe they just look at you like I did not do anything.Inclusion, dogs are my favorite because they are the most funniest things in my life.

My Brother and I

My brother and I have several similarities. Me and my brother are alike because we both like soccer and basketball and we love sugar juice, soda. I hate people touching my toys because it makes me really mad He likes touching people because he does not want to get it. Me and my brother likes games like Mario kart on ps3. We hate people yelling at us because it gets us mad because it makes me want fight them. we like to play new  video games because it will inspire us when another one comes out. We love our uncle coming over to our because we all like to play outside.

Kenneth and I have several differences. Sometimes I like writing and sometimes he doesn’t. I like jumping of things because I want to see if I will get hurt  brother hates heights because he does not want to break his leg. I love mushrooms because it can get you strong and into healthy foods he doesn’t like mushrooms because it has a weird taste to it when you bite it. I ignore people yelling at me because they are just wasting breath My brother hates people yelling because if he tells you once and you do not stop he will yell at you. I hate people teasing teasing me because it makes me mad He likes teasing people because he can make people cry.

As you can see, Kenneth And I have a lot in common, but we also appreciate each other’s differences.