Ghost Mysteries Part 3

By: Paul, Zoe, Nick, Jaron, Peyton, Madison, Tanisha, and Teeba


At the beach, it was  3:30 am, so it was utterly empty.

“Hey you guys do know that this is the witching hour, right?” asked Madison.

“Yeah we know,” said Nick.

“Actually, I didn’t know.” said Zoe. part

“Are you sure?” inquired Teeba, she was a nervous wreck.

“Hey let’s go to that place that has the area code 666,” said Madison.

“Sure!” agreed Zoe enthusiastically.

“Wait did you hear that?” Paul said.

“Heard what?”.Asked Zoe

“That noise” Madison said

“Guys I hear loud breathing in the bushes,” said Madison

“It probably a bird or something,” Nick said nervously.

“I don’t like the sound of that.” Teeba whispered meekly.

As Peyton went in to investigate, she screamed. It was horrible, it was three men feasting on tiny little kids. When one of them saw us he said, “Hello little kids why don’t you feast with us.” They screamed for help and ran to the edge of the water, as far away from the three men as possibly. Not even humans ran that fast as they could stopped we thought they were gone. Paul and Jaron broke two very sharp sticks and, when the men  went to investigate the three men popped out pulling on paul’s arm. Jaron knocked the stick on the man head and he let go bumping into the other two men. Causing the men to let go of Paul’s hand. Instead of giving up they chased Teeba and the other friends to Teeba’s house. Teeba’s parents were not home and so wasn’t her big brother. The men broke into Teeba’s house they hid in the house but they didn’t know were. Teeba ran to go investigate. Just then the men grabbed Teeba  and pulled her the in the closet. Then Jaron, Paul, and, Peyton would not let that happen, especially since Teeba was her best friend. They managed to get Teeba  out and got out of the house……..

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