By: Paul,Teeba,Jaron, Peyton, Nick, ,Madison and, Zoe
It was a dark and stormy Friday night, on Halloween. Seven friends named Teeba, Peyton, Paul, Jaron, Nick, Zoe and, Madison were trick-or-treating at 7:00 pm. By the time they were done trick-or-treating, it was 12:00 am.
When they were done they had a sleepover at Paul’s house. It was about 3:00 am when they heard a eerie noise, but Paul and Jaron were watching Youtube, so they didn’t notice the eerie noise. So Peyton, Teeba, Madison, and Zoe told them very quickly. They grabbed a couple of flashlights and explored the house.
They split up into teams, the first team was Teeba, Peyton, Madison, and Zoe. The second team was Jaron, Paul, and Nick. Peyton, Teeba, Madison, and Zoe explored the kitchen while Jaron, Paul, and Nick explored the living room.
Teeba was with Peyton, Madison, and Zoe when there was a haunting and shrieky sound in the kitchen. So Paul went to go check it out, but then the door shut itself! Yet, Teeba managed to pick the lock and get Paul out. They didn’t know if the ghost was real or not. So they did the thing that came most naturally to them—they ran. They were hiding in every nook and cranny they could find.
In one particularly small, squished corner, Paul saw a something. To him it looked like a white shadow, or a wisp of smoke. He couldn’t be sure.