My mom

She loves when I hug her.

She wants me to do better than her.

She understands when I’m sad.

She cooks rice with gravy and ground beef on top

She always says she love me.

She laughs at me.

She cries when I do bad.

She is the best at writing

She wishes I would do better in school

She is special because she helps me when I’m sick



My Last Day of School

Today was my last day of school. Today we watch the movie Wonder and got to play on chromebook. We also played fraction bingo it was really fun. I didn’t win bingo but that was ok.

    Today we also got ice cream at the end of the day. Usually I go to cdi but today I didn’t because cdi is getting summer camp ready. Today we also got off at 12:30 and usually we get of at 2:30 so today we got off 2 hours early. Yesterday we got off at 1:30 so it was really fun.

I Am Poem

I am a good friend to my family.

I wonder where I will I be In 20 years.

I hear the wind in the background.

I see my family loving me.

I wish  I could get all As and Bs for the whole year.

I am a good friend to my family.

I pretend to be an awesome superhero.

I feel love from my family.

I touch the hearts of my caring family.

I worry when something bad happen to my family.

I cry when something sad happen to one of my family members.

I am a good friend  to my family.

I understand that all of my family is different.

I dream about being a police officer.

I try to do my very best in school.

I hope I my family members will live a long happy life.

I am a good friend to my family.


My Thanksgiving Break

During Thanksgiving break, I played on my  ps3 , went to my grandma’shouse for Thanksgiving,and went to my grandma  house to play.

The first thing I did during Thanksgiving break was played on my ps3. One game I played was Lego Star War. Another game I played was A Marvel game.

The second thing  I did during Thanksgiving break was go to my grandma’s house for Thanksgiving. At my grandma’s house I ate nice hot turkey, good ham, yummy stuffing, and delicious pumpkin pie. I also ate outside with my cousins.

The last few days I went to grandma house to play. The first thing we played was All Star Battle Royal. We also played Zombie Tag outside.

I enjoyed my Thanksgiving break because I got to play on my ps3, go to my grandma’s house for Thanksgiving, and got to go to my granma’s house to play.

I know it’s fall

Fall looks like nice clean pumpkins. Also Fall looks like different colors of leaves. The last thing Fall looks like is scary costumes on halloween day.

Fall sounds like nice squirrels looking for nuts for winter. Fall also sounds like colorful leaves swirling in the wind. The last thing Fall sounds like is tire people taking  alot of leaves.

Fall tastes like  nice yummy pumpkin pie. Fall also tastes like good mac N’ cheese. The last thing Fall tastes like is yummy turkey.

Fall feels like cold wind. Fall also feels like cozy people getting warm by the fire. The last thing Fall feels like is warm people drinking hot chocolate.

Fall smells like my grandma making homemade turkey. Fall also smells like my mom yummy mac N’ cheese. The last thing Fall tastes like my auntie super making the super good pumpkin pie.

The Ideal Pet

The best  pet are turtles. First of all, turtles are quiet as a mouse. For example, They don’t make noise like all the other pets. In addition, turtles are calm animals.For example, they don’t run  around your house. They don’t chase their tail. A third reason turtles are the ideal pet is there about ten inches tall. To explain, if you and your family have a small/tiny house a turtle can fit in your house or apartment. Therefore, if you want a calm, quiet, and cheap pet without a doubt you need a turtle.

Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Fox

The castle stood at the top of the hill close enough to see that in a high window was Little Red Riding hood. Poor Little Red Riding Hood all she wanted to do is take some chocolate chip cookies to her grandpa. You are probably wondering how this happen well let me tell you how it did. Red  Riding Hood was riding her bike until she got to a two lane. She did not know which way to go. Someone said” I could help you young lady.” Little red  said” who are you”. The stranger said” I am Fox. Who are you”. Little Red said” I am Little Red Riding hood. Fox Said” where are you going”. Little Red said scarcely” I am going to my Grandpa’s house.” Fox said” take the right lane.” Little Red said” Thank you! Bye.” But Fox lied to little red then he took the right lane. Fox got to Grandpa’s house before Little Red.  Little Red got there after Fox. Fox tried to eat Little Red. Luckily a hunter came in Grandpa’s house. The hunter also slaved the Fox.

The End            

Hello and Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to my fourth grade blog, readers. My name is Iziah I am Mexican and black.I am funny I talk a lot when I say a lot I mean a lot. Now let me tell you about my family I live with my mom, my brother, and my sister but  me and my sister go to are dad every other weekend. Now I will tell you what is my three favorites foods my first, favorite food is hamburgers, my second favorite food are tacos, my last favorite food is spaghetti and garlic bread but I mostly like tacos because  you could put cheese on it I also like the meat.  I like reading Magic Treehouse books,  Dr.Seuss books, and diary of a wimpy kid.I mostly like Diary of a Wimpy Kid because he is funny like me.  I have no pets I am allergic to cats and dogs but I want  a hamster, a fish, and a turtle but I mostly want a turtle because they are fun and slow like me. I have one sister and one brother. My favorite subject in school is reading because I love reading a lot. My least favorite subject is writing because it is too much work you need to brainstorm and think what you are going to write. Now let me tell you what I like I like school, my family, my teacher, and my principal. Now let me tell you what I do not like I do not like doing homework, soc. Studies, and PE. I do not know how to talk very well. I want Lego batman video games I  also want The Nut Job two and the Lego batman movie.