What I think a quality comment is
I think a quality comment is when you comment about something specific and don’t correct them. I think this because quality means the state or form it is in. So, when you comment about something specific you can get conversation going. Then, don’t correct them because, I personally think that they find out themselves and if you correct them it will make them feel bad. This is what a quality comment is, I believe.
Hello Ian! I agree; I think I would be embarrassed if someone was making a correction to a post that I made. I am hoping that my students will make a connection through comments during the student blogging challenge. Have you made any meaningful connections?
Hey Ian, I also think that pointing out something the person did wrong is not nice and I also think your blog is great and had good examples and explained your reasoning well.
You can visit my blog at: http://25maxwelln.edublogs.org