Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Lamp Portraits

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Cloudy with a chance of

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Expressive Portraits

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Food Studio Lighting


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Body Distortions (Eye Color & Body)

  When I see the manipulation in the media today it make me feel that everyone is not truly themselves. I think they are just fake people who want people to think they are perfect but really not . I believe the manipulation in the media has ruin many people thoughts about what is truly […]

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How I start my morning

Every day I wake up and brush my teeth and then I go to my kitchen to make Nutella so I can bring it to school and eat for breakfast. After I pack my food I start getting ready for school and that is my typical morning  .  

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Back Lit,Side Lit,and Front Lit Studio

  These are my back lit, front lit, and side lit.

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Animal Hybrid Research

The animal I choose for my hybrid was a monkey. The culture of the monkey is that it’s one of the 12 chinese zodiac. A monkey symbolizes have a good time with everyone you met. Monkeys are party animals who just want to have fun and play. I choose a monkey because monkeys are my […]

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This is my cousin’s pet. Her name is Casey. She is 2 years old.

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Ants Eye

This is the point of view of an ant. This is the point of view from a birds eye.

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