
Warhol Inspired Pop Art (Phone)


Pop Art Warhol Investigation

  1. What is Pop Art? Art based on modern popular culture and the mass media, especially as a critical or ironic comment on traditional fine art values.
  2. Who is Andy Warhol? Andy Warhol was a successful magazine and ad illustrator who became a leading artist of the 1960s Pop art movements. He ventured into a wide variety of art forms, including performance art, filmmaking, video installations and writing and controversially blurred the lines between fine art and mainstream aesthetics. (

Architecture Line Art Element


Clone Take Away


BALANCE – Word of the Year “Fill Text” Assignment

Why did you pick that word to guide your year? Explain 3 sentences:

I have a lot of stress in my life at most times. I overthink the smallest things, and it causes me to not enjoy life as much as I should. I want to have a balanced mind, I want to be happy but also feel enough stress to push me to be a hard worker and a better person- all emotions are important to feel in proper amounts, and not too much of any.



Looking backwards at 2023-Reflecting 

Whew 2023 was better than 2022 which was much better than 2021 but still a year filled with challenges. Last year had good and bad. What silver linings can you think of? Challenges force us to GROW and 2023 was yet another year of growth in your journey! 


  1. What was your greatest challenge of 2023? 2 sentences-
    Pre-calculus Honors was a HUGE challenge for me in 2023 and continues to challenge me in 2024. I struggle with the large amount of work, and it’s much harder for me to pick up on the concepts than in previous years of math.
  2. Personal achievements of  2023? 3 things
    Passing my math final with a better grade than any of my other tests, getting A’s in every class (excluding math), and getting tons of messages from colleges because of my PSAT score.
  3. What positive changes have occurred in my life in the past year that I’m most grateful for?
    I went to tutoring, which I was reluctant to do before, but it helped me improve my math grade.
  4. What was one of my absolute favorite moments from this past year?
    Spending time with family, especially on holidays such as Christmas.

What did I love most about this moment? (You can list multiple moments if you’d like.)
Bonding with my family, good food, exchanging presents, and being happy without having to worry about anything, such as school and homework.

  1. What risk have I taken last year that I’m glad I took?
    I was strongly considering dropping Pre-calculus Honors, but I decided to stick with it and ended up doing well, so I now have a boosted GPA, and I look more desirable for prestigious colleges!


Looking Forward to 2024

In 2024 

  1. When do I feel happiest? How can I allow more happiness into my daily experience?
    When I’m doing art, baking, watching my favorite shows (Modern Family), and when I’m spending time with my family.
  2. Softening my inner critic and being nicer to myself in 2024 might look like:
    Being more understanding of myself instead of always being hard on myself and wishing I was better- giving myself room to grow instead of setting myself back by beating myself up.
  3. I would like to step out of my comfort zone in this area of my life in 2024:
    Getting help with my mental health when I am struggling instead of keeping it bottled up inside.
  4. I am most hopeful and excited, or grateful about this as I begin 2024:
    Applying for and visiting colleges, spending time with family, and improving myself in aspects such as school.
  5. I plan to support my emotional and mental health in 2024 by :
    Talking to my therapist and my family, doing more of what I love, focusing on the positives instead of the negatives!


In 5 years (2029) I see myself………..

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    In college, hopefully UC Berkeley!


Based on my 5 year plan above , what are some goals you can set for yourself  this year that will help you get to your 5 year plan? 

10. Doing my best in school! 

  1. Working hard to get noticed by colleges!

12. Doing well on AP, IB, and state tests.


Memorial Collage Questions

Memorial Collage Final 

Full sentences for full credit      50


1.Paste your image here: (also turn in the JPG on its own to this assignment) 

Person you created the memorial collage on


2.Who: (full sentences) 


This collage is a memorial of my YeeYee (great-grandpa).


  1. 4 sentences – Why you selected this person: Explain and if using a historical figure that had a positive impact on society- explain what the positive impact was


My YeeYee (great-grandpa) was very important in my life. I always looked forward to seeing him at family events, and he was always a very happy person, which made me happy too. He is inspiring to me because he built a great life in America for himself and his family after living in China for so many years. We also shared similar interests in food, maybe I got my food taste from him! I love my YeeYee very much, and I always will!


Explain what you used for each required  5 elements and what symbolism it has: 


1.Water: I selected a glass of water, which symbolizes refreshment.

2.Fire: I used candles, which symbolize eternal life and memory living on.

3.Earth: I used marigolds (bright flowers) to celebrate my YeeYee’s life (instead of being sad)

4.Foods: My YeeYee loved coconut wafers and shared them with me, my brother, and my cousins when we visited them! He also, like the rest of my family, loved dan tat (Chinese egg tart)!


5.Other Items: Things that describe that persons hobbies/ interests. 

If historical – should be items that explain what this persons positive contribution to society.


– I included a watch, because I remember that my YeeYee wore a watch!

– My YeeYee was a police officer when he was younger, so I included a police hat


6.You were required to use something from “Art symbolism and metaphors” What symbolism did you use from this site: 

(not symbolism items from the above list). 

List and explain why used: 


– I used (sugar) skulls, which symbolize mortality; death


  1. What did you like about this memorial collage you created? 


I like how colorful my collage is, and how many different elements and aspects there are to it!


  1. What could have made this collage more successful? 


– I wish the water glass looked a little bit more realistic, I tried many different methods to make it look better, but this is the best I could do.


  1. Don’t forget to turn in the JPG file (not psd) to this assignment as well! 



IB Learner Profile Risk Takers & Reflective

IB Learner Quick Write! 

Full sentences for full credit. Capital Letters & Spell Check is a handy tool too… 


IB Learner Profiles Risk Takers & Reflective 


IB Learner Profile Risk Takers: The IB Learner Profile Balance aims to develop learners who are risk takers. Our goal is to allow students to discover and understand the importance of taking risks with making art. Trying an idea out or changing our ideas are all taking risks in the creation of art and brainstorming ideas.  


Write 4 complete sentences on how you took some creative risks in this project (Scary Campus) :  


I took many creative risks throughout the Scary Campus project. An example of this is when I tried out new angles. Usually, I only photograph straight on, instead of tilted in any way, but I wanted to use a different angle to create a creepy effect. Another way I took a creative risk was when I edited pictures that were difficult for me to edit (that I wouldn’t normally attempt to edit).


IB Learner Profile Reflective: As IB learners we are Reflective learners. We think about what we learn and are able to look at what we are good at and in what ways we can improve.  


In reflecting on your Scary Campus Design, what are you good at?  I am good at cutting out objects and making them look realistic on a new background.


What could you improve in? I could have better time management and try to get more things done right away.


PNG In the Hand


Famous Photographer