
Memorial Collage Questions

Memorial Collage Final 

Full sentences for full credit      50


1.Paste your image here: (also turn in the JPG on its own to this assignment) 

Person you created the memorial collage on


2.Who: (full sentences) 


This collage is a memorial of my YeeYee (great-grandpa).


  1. 4 sentences – Why you selected this person: Explain and if using a historical figure that had a positive impact on society- explain what the positive impact was


My YeeYee (great-grandpa) was very important in my life. I always looked forward to seeing him at family events, and he was always a very happy person, which made me happy too. He is inspiring to me because he built a great life in America for himself and his family after living in China for so many years. We also shared similar interests in food, maybe I got my food taste from him! I love my YeeYee very much, and I always will!


Explain what you used for each required  5 elements and what symbolism it has: 


1.Water: I selected a glass of water, which symbolizes refreshment.

2.Fire: I used candles, which symbolize eternal life and memory living on.

3.Earth: I used marigolds (bright flowers) to celebrate my YeeYee’s life (instead of being sad)

4.Foods: My YeeYee loved coconut wafers and shared them with me, my brother, and my cousins when we visited them! He also, like the rest of my family, loved dan tat (Chinese egg tart)!


5.Other Items: Things that describe that persons hobbies/ interests. 

If historical – should be items that explain what this persons positive contribution to society.


– I included a watch, because I remember that my YeeYee wore a watch!

– My YeeYee was a police officer when he was younger, so I included a police hat


6.You were required to use something from “Art symbolism and metaphors” What symbolism did you use from this site: 

(not symbolism items from the above list). 

List and explain why used: 


– I used (sugar) skulls, which symbolize mortality; death


  1. What did you like about this memorial collage you created? 


I like how colorful my collage is, and how many different elements and aspects there are to it!


  1. What could have made this collage more successful? 


– I wish the water glass looked a little bit more realistic, I tried many different methods to make it look better, but this is the best I could do.


  1. Don’t forget to turn in the JPG file (not psd) to this assignment as well! 



IB Learner Profile Risk Takers & Reflective

IB Learner Quick Write! 

Full sentences for full credit. Capital Letters & Spell Check is a handy tool too… 


IB Learner Profiles Risk Takers & Reflective 


IB Learner Profile Risk Takers: The IB Learner Profile Balance aims to develop learners who are risk takers. Our goal is to allow students to discover and understand the importance of taking risks with making art. Trying an idea out or changing our ideas are all taking risks in the creation of art and brainstorming ideas.  


Write 4 complete sentences on how you took some creative risks in this project (Scary Campus) :  


I took many creative risks throughout the Scary Campus project. An example of this is when I tried out new angles. Usually, I only photograph straight on, instead of tilted in any way, but I wanted to use a different angle to create a creepy effect. Another way I took a creative risk was when I edited pictures that were difficult for me to edit (that I wouldn’t normally attempt to edit).


IB Learner Profile Reflective: As IB learners we are Reflective learners. We think about what we learn and are able to look at what we are good at and in what ways we can improve.  


In reflecting on your Scary Campus Design, what are you good at?  I am good at cutting out objects and making them look realistic on a new background.


What could you improve in? I could have better time management and try to get more things done right away.


PNG In the Hand


Famous Photographer


Cloudy: 4 Items


Shapes Final

1. Top

2. Side

3. Bottom


Dia De Los Muertos FINAL