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Photo Essay


The Pacific Rim Street Fest

                The Pacific Rim Street Fest is held in Old Sacramento and Westfield Downtown Plaza.  The Fest was started in 1993 by restaurant owner Frank Fat, who according to the official website wanted to “have a festival where we could learn about each other’s cultures and appreciate our similarities and differences – and be a community together. ”  This year(2013) will be the 21st year that the festival has been held.  For each festival there has been a different theme featuring an aspect of Asian culture, this year’s theme was “shoes” and was held on Sunday, May 19 from 10:00a.m – 5:00 p.m.

Over the course of the fest there are multiple stages with different performers; Lion dance

At the Fest there were four different stages with each stage showing  different groups.  At the Sacramento Bee Stage there was the Sacramento Taiko Don, Akai Sky and others.  At the Wells Fargo Stage groups such as KMA Korean Drumming and Koyasan Taiko performed.  In the mall at the Downtown Plaza Stage the Capitol Chinese Orchestra and Uncle Pete’s Shipwreck Crew played music to entertain the shoppers. And finally at the Kaiser Permenente Stage they showed groups like the Dexter Labonog Martial Arts.  However these are only a small portion of the groups that performed.

Uncle Pete’s Shipwreck Crew

Koyasan Taiko

At the Fest along with the performers there are a lot of venders and booths.  Many associations such as the Asian Community Center, Boy Scout Council, Girl Scouts heart of central CA, and kids for peace have booths where they can inform people about their organization.  At this year’s Fest the volunteers at the Kids for Peace booth were showing people how to fold paper cranes.  People also were selling their products in different booths scattered around Old Sacramento.

Kids For Peace



Self Portrait



Creativity: I tried to do something different then just take a picture of me facing forward and hopefully it’s interesting to look at.

Photoshop: I used a texture, Dodge/Burn, Brushes, and the selection tool since I took three different pictures (me, my hand, and the paperweight) and then hopefully fit them together so they  look natural.


Colors – I used blue and purple because they are two of my favorite colors and I tend to think blue describes me pretty well; To me blue represents calmness and open spaces(the sky) but is also a slightly sad, cold and detached color.  most of the time I think i’m somewhat easy – going.  I also hate closed in spaces.  While I don’t think of myself as a pessimist, sometimes I am awkward around others, especially people I don’t know well.  As for the color purple, I choose to use it because it is one of my favorite colors and goes well with blue. I added the small bit of red to represent the full range of my emotions; it is unrealistic to never get angry.  The red represents the irrational part of me that acts without thinking.  I used red the least because I don’t consider myself an angry person and I try not to act in a way that later I would regret.

Music Notes – The music notes are pretty self explanatory; I like to play and listen to music.  It’s a large part of my life.  I play the Clarinet and a little bit of Piano, however I mostly just like to listen to music. I rarely go anywhere without my ipod and listen to all genres of music.  I don’t have many particular bands that I like to listen to, just a bunch of songs that I like.

Paint Splatter – The paint splatter represents the fact that I love to draw.  However I don’t use paint that much, I mostly stick to colored pencils, oil pastels, and markers.

Time and Effort: I used all of Wed. , most of Thurs. and spent some time working on it at home.  I didn’t use any of the time Fri. except to put it in the dropbox.



Window Light Food – B/W







Color Me


Food Photography


Food Photography 10 tips 

  • Use  less food
  • Use paper to add texture
  • Look for contrast
  • Allow food to spread naturally
  • choose simple crockery and table
  • Look at the natural beauty of food
  • Get some work in progress shots
  • Try and capture the “yum” factor
  • Always be on the lookout for ideas
  • Dig in and reshoot

Beatrice Peltre 


  • Grew up in france
  • runs the food blog La Tartine Gourmande
  • works as a freelance food writer, food stylist, and photographer
  • Currently lives in Boston with her husband and eight month- old daughter
  • Currently writing her own cookbook
  • clients include ; Chronicle Books, Epic Roots, Edible Boston, and the Boston Globe food Section.
  • Takes pictures  of food, nature, and of people and objects she sees while traveling.
  • Uses colorful props to create interest when photographing food.
Playing With Your Food

Play With Your Food Postcard. Kiss That Frog!  Artist: Saxton Freymann.  Play with your food cards.  Postcard.

My Ideas 
  • I could bake desserts(brownies , cookies, cakes?) and bring in colorful plates and fruit to make the pictures more interesting.
  • I could use fruits and make different faces with different emotions and put them together.  I think apples, oranges , lemons, strawberries(?) would work best.






Double Exposure


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