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Studio Project


Photographer – Gregoire Alexandre

History -Gregoire Alexandre is a french photographer currently working in Paris,  whose portfolio contains still life photos, fashion, and pictures of models and famous french musicians.  His photographs often have a surreal aspect to them such as in the photograph below

He was born in Rouen, France and went to school at the National School of Photography in Arles. In an interview he said that his interest in photography came from studying Cinema for a few years and that he perfers to work on commissions. He also mentions that while many photographers have inspired him no one photographer has stood out to him as more inspiring then others.  He says that his inspiration comes more from the possibilities of photography itself. 

Examples of work

My Idea

i’m thinking of making paper dolls to imitate the fashion models in his photos.  Like in example photo #3 I could use origami( cranes, flowers, furniture, etc.) as props.  I could also use dishes,bits of fabric, and light to create the surreal feeling that is in many of his photos.

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