Photo essay: cheerleading

Cheerleading is the number one most dangerous sport. Most people think it is just girls standing around shaking their “pom poms”. While that might have been true many years ago times have changed since cheerleading was first discovered. It has transformed into something much more. Even though it is not considered a sport cheer is very physically demanding. Cheerleading is a combination of tumbling, stunting, and dancing. In the United States there have been 208,800 break injuries ages 5-18 in the past 5 years.

Hand Colorized Prints

Method of manually adding colour to a black-and-white photograph, generally either to heighten the realism of the photograph or for artistic purposes. Typically, watercolours, oils, crayons or pastels, and other paints or dyes are applied to the image surface using brushes, fingers, cotton swabs or airbrushes. Hand-coloured photographs were most popular in the mid- to late-19th century before the invention of colour photography and some firms specialized in producing hand-coloured photographs.

Art Statement

This assignment was called “Macro”. I enjoy shooting macro because I think it’s fascinating to take a picture of something up close and see things the naked eye wouldn’t usually see.

This assignment was called “Stop Action”. I enjoyed this project because it was really fun to shoot and the end results for these pictures come out really cool.

This assignment was called “Mirrors”. I enjoyed this project because I think it’s really cool to take a picture and transform it to something completely different.







Kristin is a Chicago based artist who studied Art & Interior Design
at Illinois State University from 1989 – 1993,
and finished with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Columbia College in 1994.

Final Project Proposal

Texture photography is one way of drawing the viewer’s attention into the image. Photographs that use this technique create impact by showing different textures. When used correctly, the effect of the texture of the elements in the image can become as commanding as the use of pronounced colors, dramatic scenery or induced movement by lines.

I chose to do texture photography because I think texture photography is a cool way to attract attention to the viewers eyes.


Photographer: Adrienne Adams

“As I see it, the creation of photographic art has two primary elements – the art of “seeing” and the art of “capturing” what is seen on film.” – A quote form Adrienne Adams