For this assignment, we had to take multiple pictures of ourselves and put it into one. I was pretty disappointed with this picture. It could have been better if we didn’t have to shoot inside (it was raining that day). I hope to retake this someday.
For this assignment, we had to convey what our fears were in a picture. I’m afraid of the dark. Not really the darkness itself, but whatever could be lurking inside.
For this assignment, we chose a historical photographer that we found interesting. I chose Arno Minkinnen. He was known for his black & white photography incorporating his own body into the landscape. Here are my interpretations of his work:
For this assignment, we had to photoshop what kind of superpower we would like to have. Because I like Valve’s Portal so much, I decided to have portals as my superpower.
Instead of being eye-level, I tried to take an aerial shot of my friend. However, my friend is much taller than I am, so I had him crouch down a little.