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Filed under: Uncategorized — ascardina at 10:33 pm on Thursday, April 18, 2013

Steroid Facts

1.) Drug abusers of steroids take ten to 100 times more than would be prescribed by a physician.

2.) Common side effects: mood swings, manic behavior, insomnia, irritability, and lack of good judgement.

3.) Common side effects in men: Shrinking of testicles, breast growth, hair loss, infertility and higher risk of testicular cancer.

4.) Common side effects in women and girls: male pattern baldness, a permanently deepened voice, breast shrinking, and detrimental changes to the menstrual cycle.

5.) Improper uses of steroids causes stunted growth, kidney impairment or failure, liver damage, and increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

6.) Anabolic steroids are commonly used among teenage athletes to bulk up.

7.) Drugs are addictive.  Discontinuing use often leads to withdrawal and depression, which creates a lack of physical drive or social interaction among users.

8.) I way steroids are taken in through injection directly into the muscle.

9.) IF needles are not sterilized, users are vulnerable to life-threatening diseases like HIV/AIDS or hepatitis.

10.) THEY ARE ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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