Elements of Art

Definition of Elements of Art

The Elements Of Art are the building blocks of art creation. They can be analyzed, organized, and manipulated by artists. They are the VISUAL LANGUAGE of art. Each of the Elements is important. When looking at a work of art, see if you can identify which Elements of Art the artist stressed, organized or used to express a message or to create a mood. 


Line: A point moving in space. Line can vary in width, length, curvature, color, or direction.

Assignments: Pattern, Line 


Value: the Lightness or darkness of a hue or neutral color. A value scale shows the range of values from black to white. 

Assignments: Black & White 


Color:  The visual sensation dependent on the reflection or absorption of light from a given surface.

Assignments: Color, complimentary color


Texture: The surface quality of materials, either actual (tactile) or implied (visual).

Assignments: Tip 3 Macro, Texture


Shape: A two-dimensional area or plane that may be open or closed, free-form or geometric. It can be found in nature or made by humans.


Form: A three-dimensional volume or the illusion of three dimensions


Space: The emptiness or area between, around, above, below, or contained within objects.     

Assignments: Tip Plain background, Move it from the middle 

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