Welcome to distance Learning!  Use your blog to put all your assignments on. This blog is your final for the class! Reminder- Log in on the tab at the top with your user name and password. Your blog is your portfolio of all the work you have completed this year! This Corona has thrown us all for a loop, having to learn new platforms and challenging us in new ways. We will all come out stronger in the end learning skills with technology that will help us in classes to come, college, careers and life in general. Meanwhile as we are learning and adapting, please reach out.  You got this, we got this.

I am keeping many of the things the same. Our photo assignments, our use the class website and our BLOGS.  New item I added was the google classroom to keep us all organized.

Google classroom: Calendars, due dates, communications, attendance forms

Synergy: Grades and emailing back and forth

Class website: Instructions on class assignments and samples

BLOG: your portfolio of all the work you have completed this year/ Final for the class.


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