By the Numbers
Each year, competitive grant funding augments the District’s priority of preparing college-, career-, and life-ready graduates to be productive and engaged global citizens. Awards listed only include applications for competitive grants developed by or in collaboration with the Grants Office, and where EGUSD is the lead applicant.
Fiscal Year 2023-24
Total: $5,067,621
$180,000 funded by the California Department of Education
The 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens Program (ASSETs) grant supports expanded learning programs at several schools in the district for 5 year periods. Three schools received an additional $60,000 for the 2023-2024 school year.
$600,000 funded by the California Department of Education
Funding from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Summer Grant Program through the American Rescue Plan, which supports additional support to our students related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
$75,000 funded by California Department of Education
The Education for Homeless Children and Youth grant will expand the existing homeless education program to focus on high school graduation and college- and career-readiness.
$4,164,774 funded by California Department of Education
The After School Education and Safety grant funds enrichment programs at 17 elementary schools and 3 middle schools that will support students’ development of social and emotional learning skills.
$47,847 funded by California Coastal Commission
The Whale Tail grant program will fund 2 field trips to Catalina Island for the AP Environmental Science classes at Monterey Trail High School where students will have 3 days of hands on experience learning about ocean life, and it’s importance in preserving the various ecosystems.
Fiscal Year 2022-23
Total: $4,754,090
$1,272,500 funded by the California Department of Education
The 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens Program (ASSETs) grant supports expanded learning programs at Monterey Trail High School over five years.
$616,590 funded by California Department of Education
The Tobacco Use Prevention Education is a three-year grant that supports implementation of evidence-based practices that align with the unmet tobacco prevention needs identified through a comprehensive, community-wide needs assessment process.
$1,500,000 funded by California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Additional funding to increase the capacity of the Teacher Residency program to recruit and support more mentor teachers from Special Education.
$465,000 funded by California Department of Education
Funding from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Summer Grant Program through the American Rescue Plan, which supports additional support to our students related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
$100,000 funded by California Department of Education
The Dual Enrollment Program grant will support the start up costs and implementation of a dual enrollment program between Monterey Trail High School and Cosumnes River College for 2 years.
$50,000 funded by Kaiser Permanente
The Community Benefit Grant through Kaiser Permanente will provide resources and support for ten Rainbow Clubs at elementary schools and pilot peer support groups at two middle schools.
$750,000 funded by California Department of Health Care Services
The Trauma Informed Program grant will provide teachers with training on trauma informed practices, as well the skills and supplies to provide a safe space in their classroom for students who may be in some kind of distress during class.
Fiscal Year 2021-22
Total: $ $24,299,178
$21,149,480 funded by the California Department of Education
The 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens Program (ASSETs) grant supports expanded learning programs at 3 high schools over five years.
$2,911,480 funded by California Department of Education
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program (21st CCLC) grant supports afterschool and summer programs at 18 elementary and 3 middle schools designated as Title I sites over five years.
$238,218 funded by California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Additional funding to increase the capacity of the Teacher Residency program to recruit and support more mentor teachers from Special Education.
Fiscal Year 2020-21
Total: $4,441,886
$356,074 funded by California Department of Social Services
The California Newcomer Education and Well-Being (CalNEW) grant will provide refugee and other newcomer students and their families with individualized, culturally responsive and trauma-informed services to facilitate transitions to life and school in the United States.
$270,00 funded by California Department of Social Services
The Refugee School Impact grant expands supports for refugee and other newcomer students and families through coordinated services, resources to help manage trauma, and opportunities to develop positive relationships with adult mentors, prepare for the competitive workforce, and engage in civil society.
$100,000 funded by Kaiser Thriving Schools
EGUSD’s Thriving Schools project will focus on three impact areas: 1) continuation and expansion staff, student, and family education of and support for LGBTQ
mental health and social emotional needs; 2) expansion of mental health supports and SEL skill building for newcomer students and families; 3) improvement of connectedness, organizational culture, and job satisfaction among district and school site staff.
$104,389 funded by City of Sacramento
$225,000 funded by California Department of Education
The Education for Homeless Children and Youth grant program facilitates the identification, enrollment, attendance and success in school for EGUSD’s children and youth experiencing homelessness.
$1,536,684 funded by First 5 Sacramento
Funding from the First 5 School Readiness Program will provide enhanced services at five preschool sites that include Zero to 3 Playgroups, Family Support and Engagement, Kindergarten Transition Camps, and Comprehensive Screenings.
Fiscal Year 2019-20
Total: $ $11,710,083
$6,121,680 funded by the California Department of Education
Funding for the Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program (IEEEP) will support the expansion of inclusive preschool classrooms and professional development for staff support students with a broad range of disabilities.
$1,817,844 funded by California Department of Education
The Tobacco-Use Prevention Education is a three-year grant that supports implementation of evidence-based practices that align with the unmet tobacco prevention needs identified through a comprehensive, community-wide needs assessment process.
$3,767,809 funded by California Department of Education
Funding for the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Universal Renewal will continue funding over three years for expanded learning programs at 17 elementary and three middle schools.
$5,000 funded by Well Fargo Foundation
Funding for The Rutter Middle School Outdoor STEM Pathway Project for seventh grade science students centered around a series of guided real-life, hands-on activities, methodologies, and technologies including the design and building of a greenhouse; aquaculture tanks; raised garden beds; an irrigation system; and a pollinator garden.
Fiscal Year 2018-19
Total: $12,685,924
$8,660,468 funded by the California Department of Education
Funding for the Career Technical Education Facilities Program will support the new construction and/or modification of CTE facilities and the acquisition of equipment to modernize four CTE pathways at three high schools and align them with current industry standards.
$1,200,000 funded by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Funding for the three-year pilot Teacher Residency Grant Program will support a partnership between EGUSD and University of the Pacific to train, hire, and mentor 60 beginning teachers in Special Education.
$1,095,852 funded by California Department of Education
The K-12 Strong Workforce Program funding will support the creation and expansion of high-quality technical education programs that closely align with regional economic priorities and increase transition from secondary to post-secondary and career, in collaboration with the Community College system.
$995,000 funded by California Energy Commission
Funding from the School Bus Replacement Program will enable replacement of older diesel-fueled school buses with Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses and CNG fueling infrastructure.
$254,405 funded by California Department of Social Services
The Refugee School Impact grant expands supports for refugee and other newcomer students and families through coordinated services, resources to help manage trauma, and opportunities to develop positive relationships with adult mentors, prepare for the competitive workforce, and engage in civil society.
$225,000 funded by the California Department of Education
Funding from the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Kids Code Grant Pilot Program will teach students fundamentals of computer coding and computational thinking to increase underserved students’ access to STEM-related curriculum and enrichment at James Rutter Middle School, Samuel Kennedy Elementary, and Union House Elementary.
$90,000 funded by Kaiser Permanente Foundation
The Kaiser Mental Health Stigma Reduction Grant Program supports coordinated stigma reduction and peer outreach with a focus on the district’s LGBTQ student population.
$75,000 funded by the California Department of Education
Funding supports the planning and establishment of Middle School Foundation Academies to provide middle grade students with career exploration learning experiences at three middle schools in preparation for acceptance into a California Partnership Academy (CPA) at the local high school.
$50,000 funded by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Funding for the Teacher Residency Capacity Grant will create the foundational infrastructure to launch a Teacher Residency program to fill teacher shortages in Special Education.
$34,870 funded by Kaiser Permanente Foundation
The Kaiser Community Benefit Grant Program supports EGUSD’s Teen Parenting Program, which provides resources, education and support services to pregnant and parenting students.
$5,329 funded by the California Department of Education
Funding for the ASES Summer Reading Incentive will increase students’ and families’ ownership of books and improve family literacy engagement.
Fiscal Year 2017-18
Total: $18,376,641
$10,057,704 funded by California Department of Education
Funding for the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Universal Renewal will continue funding over three years for expanded learning programs at 17 elementary and three middle schools.
$4,697,934 funded by California Department of Education
Funding for the Career Technical Education Facilities Program will support the new construction and/or modification of CTE facilities and the acquisition of equipment to modernize CTE pathways at three high schools and align them with current industry standards.
$1,250,000 funded by California Department of Education
The 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens Program (ASSETs) grant supports expanded learning programs at one Title I high school over five years.
$1,247,457 funded by First 5 Sacramento
Funding from the First 5 School Readiness Program will provide enhanced services at five preschool sites that include Zero to 3 Playgroups, Family Support and Engagement, Kindergarten Transition Camps, and Comprehensive Screenings.
$353,754 funded by California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and California Center on Teaching Careers
Funding from the CalEd Program supports professional leadership development for elementary school teachers and administrators in support of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)-aligned science instruction.
$351,624 funded by California Department of Social Services
The California Newcomer Education and Well-Being (CalNEW) grant will provide refugee and other newcomer students and their families with individualized, culturally responsive and trauma-informed services to facilitate transitions to life and school in the United States.
$225,000 funded by California Department of Education
The Education for Homeless Children and Youth grant program facilitates the identification, enrollment, attendance and success in school for EGUSD’s children and youth experiencing homelessness.
$90,000 funded by Kaiser Permanente Foundation
The Kaiser Mental Health Stigma Reduction Grant Program supports coordinated stigma reduction and peer outreach with a focus on the district’s LGBTQ student population.
$70,000 funded by California Department of Education
The two Specialized Secondary Program grants support the development of expanded career pathway programs at Elk Grove and Florin High Schools.
$33,168 funded by Kaiser Permanente Foundation
The Kaiser Community Benefit Grant Program supports EGUSD’s Teen Parenting Program, which provides resources, education and support services to pregnant and parenting students.
Fiscal Year 2016-17
Total: $14,889,163
$9,693,055 funded by California Department of Education
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program (21st CCLC) grant supports afterschool and summer programs at 13 Title I elementary and middle schools over five years.
$2,625,000 funded by the California Department of Education
The 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens Program (ASSETs) grant supports expanded learning programs at two Title I high schools over five years.
$1,762,668 funded by California Department of Education
The Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) program three-year grant supports implementation of evidence-based practices that align with the unmet tobacco prevention needs identified through a comprehensive, community-wide needs assessment process.
$400,000 funded by California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
The California Classified School Employee Teacher Training Program grant supports 20 EGUSD classified employees over five years to pursue a dual teaching credential in high-need subject areas through a partnership with California State University, Sacramento.
$375,000 funded by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency
The Project AWARE – “Now Is the Time” Community Grant supports Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training for EGUSD staff and community youth workers.
$33,440 funded by Kaiser Permanente Foundation
The Teen Parenting Program funding will provide resources, education and support services to a minimum of 120 pregnant and parenting students.
Fiscal Year 2015-16
Total: $2,376,606
$2,041,753 funded by California Department of Education
The California Math/Science Partnership grant supports the Integrating Science and Engineering Education program that will provide intensive professional development services for 6th through 11th grade teachers that align with Next Generation Science Standards.
$33,563 funded by California Department of Education
The National School Lunch Equipment Assistance grant supports the purchase of food service equipment at four Title I elementary schools.
$154,674 funded by California Department of Education
The California State Preschool Expansion grant supports the expansion of new preschool classroom at Herman Leimbach Elementary School.
$70,000 funded by California Department of Education
The two Specialized Secondary Program grants support the development of expanded career pathway programs at Elk Grove and Laguna Creek High Schools.
$38,048 funded by Kaiser Permanente Foundation
The Kaiser Community Benefit Program grant supports the EGUSD Teen Parent Program.
$18,218 funded by City of Rancho Cordova
The two-year Community Enhancement grant supports an after school choir and music program at Sunrise Elementary School.
$15,000 funded by California State University, East Bay
Grant funding supports the development of an Urban Garden Project that integrates and supports science instruction at Samuel Jackman Middle School.
$3,350 funded by Sacramento Law Foundation
Grant funding supports an intensive Summer Institute for LAW Academy students at Florin High School.
$2,000 funded by Thomas Winn Foundation
Grant funding supports an end-of-year celebration for successful graduates of the Teen Leaders program at James Rutter Middle School.
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Total: $11,756,998
$1,530,200 funded by First 5 Sacramento
School Readiness Program
Funding will provide enhanced services at six preschool sites that includes Zero to 3 Playgroups; Family Support and Engagement; Kindergarten Transition Camps; and Comprehensive Screenings.
$1,000,000 funded by California Water Board
Drought Response Outreach Program for Schools (DROPS)
Program funding will remove and repave a significant area of impervious asphalt at Florin High School (FHS) using LID strategies. Funding also will create new learning environments for FHS Science, Engineering and Ag Tech students and will support the development of new project-based Units of Study that align with Next Generation Science Standards.
$39,927 funded by Kaiser Permanente Foundation
The Teen Parenting Program funding will provide resources, education and support services to a minimum of 120 pregnant and parenting students.
$3,119,371 funded by After School Education and Safety (ASES) Renewal
Funding will renew after school programs at 17 elementary and 3 middle schools.
$67,500 funded by Sacramento County Office of Education
The Action Civics funding will support Professional Development Services in Civics Learning strategies for teams of three teachers at three secondary schools: Franklin and Monterey Trail High Schools and Elizabeth Pinkerton Middle School.
$6,000,000 funded by California Department of Education
Career Pathways Trust Grant
The Capital Academies and Pathways Project (CAP) will build a regional infrastructure of high-demand career pathway programs that meets Sacramento’s economic needs and fully prepares young adults for postsecondary education and work. The CAP project, which includes career pathway programs in the Elk Grove Unified School District and Sacramento City Unified School District, will be enriched by the breadth and depth of its collaborative partnerships and an extensive level of support by regional businesses, institutions of higher education and community leaders. A regional infrastructure of employer engagement that transcends individual schools, programs, school districts , colleges and universities will support three major elements of the CAP project: 1) intensive professional development for career pathway educators; 2) strong articulation with postsecondary institutions; and 3) a vast array of industry-aligned work-based learning opportunities for students.
Fiscal Year 2013-14
Total: $3,023,000
$50,000 funded by Sacramento Regional Community Foundation
The RCA Community Fund will support technology-based reading intervention for struggling English Learners in grades K-3 at Roy Herburger Elementary.
$1.7 million funded by California Department of Education
The TUPE program includes evidence-based practices that align with the unmet tobacco prevention needs identified through a comprehensive, community-wide needs assessment process. The TUPE grant is funded for three years, to begin on July 1, 2014.
$50,000 funded by California Department of Education
This Specialized Secondary Programs grant will be used to enhance the Digital Media Academy at Pleasant Grove High School. PGHS will build a sequence of two new animation courses and two new academic core classes integrated with career technical education.
$23,000 funded by Kaiser Permanente Northern California Grant Programs
The Thriving Schools Grant will support “Fire Up Your Feet” physical activity programs at 21 elementary and middle schools.
$1,200,000 funded by U.S. Department of Education
Elementary School Counseling Grant
Project GROW (Getting Ready for our World) will support elementary counseling programs at five high-need elementary schools that will provide school-wide, small group and individual/family counseling services to identified students and families over a three-year period.