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Web 2.0 Tools for Remembering, Part 2

For those of you who may not know, Bloom’s Taxonomy has gone through a revision.  Evaluating has moved down the heirarchy and Creating has replaced Sythesizing. Creating is at the top of the heirarchy.  Remembering has replaced Knowledge at the bottom of the pyramid.

Andrew Churches’s wiki Edorigami on Wikispaces updates Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy even further by including skill developed by using  digital learning tools such as those associated with Web 2.o technologies.  I will share many of Andrew Churches’ ideas on this blog.

Kathy Schrock also has updated visuals of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. I like her display of “interlocking of cognitive processes”.  Schrock’s graphic shows how creating involves all the other levels of the heirarchy.

Remembering, according to Anderson & Krathwohl’s definition is retrieving, recalling or recongizing knowledge from memory. This level of the taxonomy is used to produce definitions, facts or lists.  It is used to recite or retrieve material. 

Verbs used to describe remembering actions are: recognizing, listing, retrieving, naming and finding. Students using digital learning technologies such as Web 2.0 tools may be utilizing the following skills: recognizing, listing, describing, indetifying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding. bulleting, highlighting, bookmarking, social networking, social bookmarking, choosing favorites, searching and “googling”.

Check out Andrew Churches’s pdf file on Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Remembering.  It offers lots of possible digital activities for students to use at this level. Kathy Schrock’s site Bloomin Apps suggests the following Web 2.0 apps for remembering: Wordle, Diigo, Google and Fotobabble. Schrock recommends the following Google applications for the remembering level of Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy: drawing, documents, basic search, images, Google+, Gmail and Chrome.

So take time to explore and share digital learning tools that will assist our students with remembering.  I will be working my way up the taxonomy sharing digital learning tools at each level. But as I discover new applications that fit each of the levels, I will share them with you categorizing them by their Bloom’s Taxonomy so you can share them with your students if you wish.

 Information for this post came from Kathy Schrock’s Bloomin’ Apps and Andrew Churches’s Edorigami. I highly recommend you check out these sites.  There is an abundance of information to support digital learning.


Web 2.0 Tools for Remembering

During Tuesday’s Trainer of Trainers Inservice on Gradual Release of Resposibility, I couldn’t help but notice the exclamations of interest in the Wordle produced slide.  I knew about Wordle and have played around with the application but I had forgotten about this fun Web 2.0 technology application until today. With Wordle you may design your own word set or if you are in a hurry you can find one made by another user.

Another cool tool for school is Visuwords.  With Visuwords students and teachers can explore words, build vocabulary and reinforce parts of speech.  Although I haven’t tried it, I think Visuwords would be great displayed on a Smartboard. Other applications that assist with vocabulary are Wordnik and Ninja Words.

Free flashcards programs and quiz programs to assist students with studying are  Cobo Cards, Flashcard Exchange and Quizlet. Creately allows the user to create diagrams that would be useful for studying and remembering.

If you know of other great Web 2.0 tools that will help our students study or remember, send me the links and I will share them here giving you a shout out in the process.

My next post will cover understanding .  These are all tools that were shared by Samantha Penney in an interactive Bloom’s Taxonomy pyramid.  I’ll be sharing more from this wonderful resource later.

Library Wordle

Image from: M. Fisher 2009 digigogy.blogspot.com





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