Level 3 of Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy is Applying.  Anderson and Krathwohl define applying as follows: “carrying out or using a procedure through executing or implementing.  Applying is related and refers to situations where learned material is used through products like models, presentations, interviews and simulations.”  Andrew Churches’s edorigami lists applying key verbs as implementing, carrying out, using, executing, running, loading, playing, operating, hacking, uploading, sharing and editing.  Some possible activities for applying using digital tools are illustration using Paint, Comic creation tools such as Comic Life, Inkscape, or GIMP; simulation using Google Sketchup and other graphic tools; scuplture or demonstration using presentation tools, graphics, screen capture and audio and video conferencing; presentation using PowerPoint, Pezi, Google presentations, Skype, interactive whiteboard collaboration using e-tools and audio and video conferencing; interview using word processing, mind mapping tools, podcasting, vodcasting, Audacity, Sound Recorder, collaboration using e-tools and Skype; performance using podcating, vodcasting film, audio and video conferencing, audio recording, speech, PowerPoint show and collaboration using e-tools; editing using, video and sound tools, Wiki editing, and developing a shared document in Google Drive or other similar programs; and playing using online games and simulations.

Kathy Schrock suggests the following applications on her Bloom’ Apps website.  For Google Apps Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy for applying she recommends Google Presentations, Google DriveGoogle Docs, Google Sites, Google Drawing, Google Reader, Google Talk, Google Sketchup, Google Spreadsheets and Google Voice.  For Web 2.0 Tools that support the level of applying in Bloom’s Taxonomy, Schrock recommends Yahoo PipesPodOmatic, Scribble Maps, and Soundation.

All information in this posting comes from Andrew Churches’ edorigami and Kathy Schrock’s Bloomin’ Apps.  Follow the links to their valuable sites!