Social Issue: Abortion

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA                                                     Facts about abortion:

1) Two kinds of abortion, in clinic, and abortion pill

2) One in three women in the US have had an abortion by the age of 45

3)Depending on the state, you may need both parents permission for an abortion

4) 86% of abortions are done for the sake of convenience

5) The average cost of vaginal birth in the US is now over $9000

6) 41% of all New York City pregnancies end in abortion

7) The average cost for first trimester abortion is $451

8) Planned parenthood performs more than 300,000 abortions per year in the US

9) Planned parenthood generates more than 487 million dollars for abortion processes per year

10) Abortion rates are 3 times higher in couples living under poverty conditions

Where I’m From Poem

I am from nerf footballs, from grass and mud

I am from the lively, troublesome, Agena court

I am from the dandelions, the cloudy skys

I am from football Sundays and blonde hair, from Andrew, and Bonnie, and George

I am from the Boston accents and nosey questioning

From sticks and stones and “behave yourself”

I am from under-practiced catholic faith,from prayers for me but none in return

I’m from the whaling city, the Atlantic ocean, the French, Italian, and German. From fried fish and spaghetti

From the WWII veteran, the Fairhaven enthusiast, and the Sutton farmer

I am from the East Coast to the West Coast, from New Bedford to Sacramento
