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New Year!!!


  New Year is coming up soon and it will be 2014! New Years is also a fun holiday to spend with families. On New Years all my family gathers and celebrates the holiday. My family dance and eats all kinds of foods on New Years. All my family waits till it’s 12:00 because that’s when it’s 2014! On New Years I get […]

Christmas :)


Christmas is almost here! I’m so exicted  that Christmas is coming up because it my favorite holiday of the year. Also around Chritmas week you get to put up your Christmas tree and the decorections. My family also makes all kinds of food and desserts for Christmas. Another part, I like about Christmas is that […]

Thanksgiving Break


My second favorite holiday is coming up, Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday because I get to be with my family and its a fun holiday. Also I like Thanksgiving because we get to dress fancy and I get to help make the desserts. I help make cookies, pumpkin pie and other kinds of desserts […]

Plants vs. Zombies


I recomend this game called Plants vs. Zombies because it’s a fun and entertaning game to play. I always play Plants vs. Zombies when I’m really bored or I just play it for fun! Plants vs. Zombies is a really common game that lots of people play. You can download this game on your iPod […]



    My first trimester was great! My goal was to get good grades. To accomplish this goal,  I put all my effort on my work and tried my best, and I did accomplish my goal, because I got good grades. Another goal that I had was to get all my work and homework in. I worked hard to […]

“Favorite Fruit”


My favoirte fruit is guavas. I like guallavas because guavas taste very good and sweet. Guava is a fruit that has a rich nutrition. This fruit is very popular in Mexico and everywhere. Guavas contains several vitamins that are good for your body. Guavas are low in calories. So its very healthy for you. One important […]

“Where I Want To Go”


I would like to go to New York City. I think New York is the best place to go, especially if you want to go to a place where its beautiful and fancy.I heard that New York is a fun city to spend your vaction there. In New York they have so many fun things to do […]

“Mobile Dairy Classroom”


Mobile Dairy Classroom was great and fun. The cow that we saw was very big. I learned a lot about this big cow.There was a lady there that teach us some very intersting facts about the big cow.This cow is a girl and she is three years old. The lady told us many facts that I didnt […]



      Instructions not Included is my second favorite movie. Instructions not Included is my second favorite movie because its a really funny movie. This movie has sad and funny parts. The first time I saw this movie I was so into it.The person who made the movie is the father of the Maggie, the liitle girl.he made movie! His […]

My Favorite Actrist is…..


  My favorite actrist is Kristen Stewart. Kirsten Stewart is my favorite actrist because I love how she acts  . One of my favorite movies she made is Twilight Part 2. It was the best movie ever. My sister and I loved the movie  when we went to the theaters. Also one part Kristen Stwart is my favorite actrist is because […]

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