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Last Day of School :)


Today its graduation. Yeah!! I been waiting for this day for a long time. But I want to thank my lovely teacher Ms. Gaviola. She has prepared me for 7th grade and I want to thank her for that. I will miss Union House. One more thing I want to say is I wish you […]

6th grade rocks!!


One thing I will miss about 6th grade is Ms. Gaviola because she is the best teacher I ever had . Another thing I will miss about 6th grade is recess because in middle school you don’t have no recess. Going to have to leave sixth grade sucks. But, I feel excited and nervous about […]

” Sixth Grade”


 Something I’ve learned in sixth grade is to always be responsible and to always get good grades. Another thing, I learned in sixth grade is that always follow the rules. One thing I’m going to miss about elementary is recess because in middle school there’s no  recess. Also I’m going to have way more homework. […]

Student Challenge #1


What’s my name? My name is  Valeria. What is my favorite colors? Favorite colors are pink, red, blue and many more. What is my favorite food? My favorite food is Mexican tacos. My favorite animal? My favorite animal is a panda. What are my favorite subjects? My favorite subjects are Reading and Math. What are […]

My Field Trip to San Francisco Review


My field trip to the Asian Art Museum in San Fransico was fun. The part I didn’t really like was when I was on the bus. My class didn’t really fit in the bus so we needed to sit three persons in each sit. Also the trip was very long. There was a lot of traffic and […]

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San Francisco Field Trip!


Hello bloggers, today I’m going to write about my field trip to the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. I’m really excited! But the bad part is that it may be a long bus ride. Especially by the Bay Area morning traffic. Hope there’s  not so much traffic for we can get there soon. I think we are […]

Valentine’s! :)


Hi bloggers, today, February 14, 2014 I’m going to write about Valentine’s. To begin, I want to wish you a awesome Valentine’s day. Valentine’s is a holiday that makes me feel exciting because Valentine’s its a fun holiday. Hope you guys have a fun day and enjoy it . I like Valentine’s day because you get to […]

7 Random Facts About Me


Here are 7 random facts about me: My favorite colors are pink, blue, red, and orange. The sport I enjoy playing is basketball. My favorite food to eat is Mexican food. Language Arts is my favorite subject. I like to eat Mexican candy. Like to draw random stuff. My favorite day of the week is Friday. […]

My Vacation :)


My vacations went well and I did all kinds of stuff. For example, on New Years Eve I went to a party and  had a fun and entertaining time. Then, for Christmas I spent time with all my family. We ate all kinds of food and then we l would open all our presents. I got converse, boots, […]

Christmas in Mexico


    Christmas in Mexico              When it comes to celebrate Christmas, it’s splendid. I come from Mexico, so I like to make tamales for Christmas. My favorite holiday of the year is Christmas.  In Mexico people celebrates Christmas from 12th to January 6th. From December 16th to Christmas Eve, children perform Posadas. Posadas it’s […]

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