Student Challenge #1


Me Me Me! (1)

What’s my name? My name is  Valeria.

What is my favorite colors? Favorite colors are pink, red, blue and many more.

What is my favorite food? My favorite food is Mexican tacos.

My favorite animal? My favorite animal is a panda.

What are my favorite subjects? My favorite subjects are Reading and Math.

What are my favorite brand of shoes ? My favorite brand of shoes are Converse.

What I mostly like to do when I bored? I like to cook  and sometimes read or do other kinds of stuff.

Drop me a comment! Tell me about you by answering some random questions or any kinds of questions

by posted under Uncategorized | 2 Comments »    
2 Comments to

“Student Challenge #1”

  1. March 18th, 2014 at 1:20 pm      Reply Olympia W Says:

    Hi Valerica! I suppose I’ll reply to your post by commenting some facts about me.

    My favorite shoes are a pair of purple high-top Converse’s,
    I’ve been playing soccer for eight years (Go Lonestar!),
    I have an unhealthy obsession with cheese,
    Once I read a 400-page book in a day

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