Thanksgiving Break


My second favorite holiday is coming up, Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday because I get to be with my family and its a fun holiday. Also I like Thanksgiving because we get to dress fancy and I get to help make the desserts. I help make cookies, pumpkin pie and other kinds of desserts that taste so delicious. One more week and I’m off to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family! Can’t wait till we get Thanksgiving break because I don’t have to wake up early. On Thanksgiving my family are going to my aunt house to celebrate Thanksgiving. We are going to bring the desserts that day. For this Thanksgiving break I might go to stores to see what they have on specials for black Friday. Also I’m going to Sonoma with my sister to go see with her the Sonoma Sate college. I might do other kinds of things in my Thanksgiving break. What are your plans for Thanksgiving break? Leave me a comment. 🙂

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