Plants vs. Zombies


I recomend this game called Plants vs. Zombies because it’s a fun and entertaning game to play. I always play Plants vs. Zombies when I’m really bored or I just play it for fun! Plants vs. Zombies is a really common game that lots of people play. You can download this game on your iPod touch, iphone, tablet and other kinds of elctronics. I really like this game, espacially when you can choose any useful thing that can help you for the zombies to not get in the house. The main thing to do in this game is to prevent the zombies coming in the house. The first levels goes easy, then it gets harder. The first few levels when the zombies come to you, theres not really so much zombies coming to you, but suddenly a huge wave of zombies comes towards you. My advice to you, if you want to be really good at playing Plants vs. Zombies is to get the really useful things that will protect the house from the zombies coming in. I think Plants vs. Zombies is a fun game to download and its a game that you can enjoy. What do you think about Plants vs. Zombies? Drop me a comment. 🙂


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One Comment to

“Plants vs. Zombies”

  1. November 13th, 2013 at 3:32 pm      Reply amir Says:

    I want plant for dinner today

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