“Favorite Fruit”


My favoirte fruit is guavas. I like guallavas because guavas taste very good and sweet. Guava is a fruit that has a rich nutrition. This fruit is very popular in Mexico and everywhere. Guavas contains several vitamins that are good for your body. Guavas are low in calories. So its very healthy for you. One important thing, about guavas is this fruit helps you prevent cancer, anti-aging, and immune-booster. Guavas has vitamin C and vitamin -A which is good for your body. Another thing, that is good about guavas is that 100 g of pink guava fruit provides 5204 of lycopene, is nearly  twice the amount that is in tomatoes!. Guava fruit is a popular delicious in many parts. Guava fruit can be made from many candies, too. I recommend you to try this fruit. Leave me a comment. What do you think about this fruit called guava? 

                                              Recipe: Atole of Guava

                                   1. 1/2 cup water   2. 1 cup of milk    3. 1 cup of sugar   4. 2 pounds of guava. Its a simple and a easy recipe to do at home. Try it out at home. You just have to  stir!



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