Ziziphus Jujube

The jujube is a small, deciduous tree that is about 16-33 ft. tall, has thorny branches, and has leaves that are shiny green. The fruit is a drupe. It has a thin, edible skin surrounding whitish flesh of sweet, delicious flavor. Shortly after becoming fully red, the fruit begins to soften and wrinkle. The ziziphus jujube was domesticated in South Asia by 9000 BC . The wood is very hard and strong. It was  commonly called jujube, red date, Chinese date, Korean date, or Indian date. The jujube is a species of Ziziphus in the buckthorn family. The fruit is used to make medicine. The jujube is used for improving muscel strength, preventing liver disese, and digestive problems.The jujube is used in skin care products to reduce redness, swelling, wrinkles, dryness, and releif from sunburn. 

Nutrion Facts:

Amount per: 100 grams

Calories: 79

Total Fat: 0.2 g

Cholesterol: 0 mg

Sodium: 3 mg

Potassium: 250 mg      7%

Total Carbohydrate: 20 g     6%

Protein: 1.2 g     2%                                                                                                  


Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 115%
Calcium 2% Iron 2%
Vitamin B-6 5% Vitamin B-12 0%
Magnesium 2%




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