Dear, Ms.Gaviola
I miss being in your class but so far Jame’s Rutter Middle School is great I miss being with my friends and having fun. It is […]
I miss being in your class but so far Jame’s Rutter Middle School is great I miss being with my friends and having fun. It is […]
Hi!Today I will answer some questions about my 6th grade year. What will you about 6th grade? Why?The thing I will mostly miss about 6th grade is my teacher, I will miss her because she is the best teacher there ever can be. Desrcribe how you feel going to Middle School?I feel like I […]
Sorry for the late post just so busy! For spring break I visited my dad’s side of the family out of town. I also went shopping for my graduation. I can’t wait for my graduation, my whole family is going to be there. Its going to amazing and ambrassing when they get to screaming. I am […]
SF was okay. It was okay because we only stayed there for 1 hour. We didn’t have no drama from anyone. The stories was awesome we learned about Buddha. Buddha gave up everythng and went out out his own. He was thrown out of a cliff and bounced rite back.He was thrown off a cliff because […]
Yahh! San Francisco I have been wanting to go on this trip with my classmates. I looking forward to have fun and learn more about Asian life. We will learn about how they lived and how they learned about stuff on their own. I hope I get to be with my friends so we can learn together.So […]
Today I will talk about the things I like and the people I like!!! My mom is the first of my favorites. My friends Ziasha, Tymarea, Tanija and Zamari are the best. My favorite teacher is Ms.Gaviola Black, purple, red, and blue I like those colors because they are pretty colors. I love puppy’s and […]
Hi! My name is Tajanae and here are 7 random things that you don’t know about me!!! My father and I are really close!! I have the best teacher ever!!! My favorite color is purple and blue. {so as my dad} My mom is a wonderful daughter, mom, aunt, and sister to her 2 older […]
OM…..G! My christmas was awesome. First, on Chrisrtmas Eve night my family and I made a train out of ginger bread cookies, we made cookies for “Santa” with frosting and extra sprinkles. Next, we ate nachos also we were making our cakes, pies, crabs, and our turkey and ham. Then, we we wnt to bed […]
In Jamaica it is very special during Christmas time because in a lot of other countries they play Christmas carols on the radio. In Jamaica they eat Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. They traditional Christmas dinner has fresh fruits, sorrel, rum punch and meat. Christmas breakfast has saltfish, breadfruit, fried plantains, boiled bananas, freshly […]
Hi! This Christmas I want my family to have a awesome Christmas because I don’t want anyone one ruining our family dinner, presents, and our time to spend together. I want to be the best daughter ever for giving the biggest present she ever had and will never forget in her lifetime.I want to give […]
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