7 Random Things About Me
Hi! My name is Tajanae and here are 7 random things that you don’t know about me!!!
My father and I are really close!!
- I have the best teacher ever!!!
- My favorite color is purple and blue. {so as my dad}
- My mom is a wonderful daughter, mom, aunt, and sister to her 2 older brothers!!! {uncles}
- I like I to go to the movies!!
- I like things such as drawing and watching the sky at nighttime!!!
- My favorite subject in school is math.
Hi I’m am Shayal, thanks for visiting my blog. I really love your blog, especially your background its so unique. Tell me more about your class. My class is really fun! We have the best teacher anyone could ever have. Our teacher is Mr. Ferreirae and he is a webmaster. And thanks to Mr. Ferreirae we have the latest and newest camera released called GoPro which we earned by coding. Visit my blog at: http://blogs.egusd.net/u3shayal/
My name is Tajanae. Thanks for liking my blog I think yours is better.My class has 29 students in it. If you read my all about me page you will now more about me. I now Mr.Ferreirae he used to be our vice principal. He was so cool, if my brother was good during school he will give my mom a good note with candy attched to it.It was so fun having him here but I did’t now that he was a webmaster and that he came out with a GoPro. Tell Mr.Ferreirae that my brother Melvin said hi and tell me if he remebers him! Thanks again for liking my blog. LOL! Yours is better