Tajanae's Blog

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Movie Starplanet!!


Movie Satrplanet is the funnest games for girls. you can shop all you want to, you can chat with you freinds. People can add you as a freind. There is a thing when can buy a pet and go to someone’s house and like there pet they would give you money. When you go on your account there is youtube on your account you can report users and go a cafe and chat you can go to a fashion show.


This is the cover of Movie Movie starplanet. If you make a Movie Starplanet follow these

  1. On the website where it says user name and password click new user.
  2. When he or she is done make your moviestar. click done make up a password with numbers and uppercase letters .
  3. make up a user name with a number like 9937.
  4. Click done then youn would be all set.

This is the amazing game ever.  TRY IT!!!

by posted under Uncategorized | 4 Comments »    
4 Comments to

“Movie Starplanet!!”

  1. March 7th, 2014 at 9:13 am      Reply lizett Says:

    i have that game is a little boring so i uninstall it

  2. March 11th, 2014 at 10:18 am      Reply ariyonna Says:

    i like this gamee……..my cousin showed me so idk how you guys think its boring!!!LOL <3

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