Teen Titans






Teen Titans is about the boy wonder Robin meets new friends named Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, and Star Fire. They were all formed together when Robin was on a mission against a monster, then Beast Boy cane to help him out. So then a masked person came to help (Cyborg) when the battle was over Beast Boy took of his coat and he was a cyborg. All of a sudden an alien was crashing down on earth. Robin wanted to recruit her but then she started fighting them. So they had beat her, then she had lost her memories excepted for her name. Star Fire was her name. And they all joined forces and called themselves the Teen Titans! The team have dedicated there years serving Jump City. Until, they found a new teammate. Her name is Raven she was found in a cave in the dark. She was scared of the Titans so she tried to destroy them but it was stoped when she turned good. If you like the Teen Titans, drop me a comment.

Rob Dyderk



Rob Dyrdek is one of my favorite skateboarders and I love all of his shows.  Fantasy Factory is my favorite. It’s about what Rob Dyrderk is doing. It’s hilarious, five stars, five everything. Ridiculousness is when he shows funny videos and always has a new guest on the show every Thusrsday. And he even has his own cartoon it’s about a kid named Lil Rob and his friends and his dog Meaty. He’s always skating but sometimes he has to take some risk to save people. It’s funny but I don’t really watch it. Rob D has friends like Big, Chanel West Coast, Steelo Brim, and other skateboarders. His cousins are usally on Ridiculousness. Drop me a coment if you like Rob Dyrdek.

New Orleans (Hometown)




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             New Orleans is where I grew up. There were bad things happening so we moved to California. New Orleans is a great vacation spot it has the best food ever. Like gumbo, chicken, and all sorts of food. Plus there football the New Orleans Saints are my favorite team. I always see there football games. They even beat the Stellers in the Super Bowl. My family are always sad though because they lost alot but now they are the best. When you go to New Orleans there are things bad and some things good but it’s the best. I really want to go to New Orleans but my mom said no cause we don’t have money so yeah. If you would go to New Orleans drop me a comment.

What to know about cows.




Cows have weird ways of doing things and thease are some examples. Cows are full grown adults at only the age of  one years old! Female cows are called cows, the male cows are called bulls, and baby cows are called calfs. Cows eat side to side but us humans eat up and down. When cows have to get milked, the people that work with them use a milker to suck the milk a cows utters to give to a factory so they can give supermarkets milk that we drink. When flys  touch the cow they either shake or swat it with their tails. Cows are cool and  if you have questions or things to say drop me a comment. Mooo!


Anime is the best thing ever made. It’s graphics is sick, the books are awesome, and the books and characters are out of this world. Anime is the best thing ever made on tv. Sometimes anime can be violent but it’s still the best. Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, and Soul Eater are my favorites. Animed fans give me a comment more about anime.



Psy Gentlemen




Psy Gentlemen is one my favorite song made by him. The dance is cool and the video is just hilarious. That song is always in my head, thats the reason the song is cool. Gentlemen is also a good hipe song. Say had a football game. If you listen to Gentlemen, you will get so hipe you will even get someone injuried. But if you guys have a differnent song thats better than Gentlemen, Drop me a comment.