Kinect Sports Rivals

I really reccomend playing this new Kinect game for Xbox One. This game is awesome. You can make a character that looks exactly like you. The best part is when your character is finished. You have to do all things with your head so you can have a brand ne character. After your done with that, your champion is made. You first start off with training. Your first training mission is in Wakebourding. I really don’t like Wakeboarding. After you do that you do training in Rockclimbing. Rockclimbing really cool. If you finsh all the trainings, you can play Teenis, Soccer, Rockcliming, Shooting, and Bowling. When you learn how too play you can even face people all across the world. If you ever get to play this game drop me a comment.  Your probaly going to play soccer the most.

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