6th Grade


My reason it sucks because I can’t play at recess because of my ankle. Also, I’m going to miss football practice. improving. The thing that also suck is that we can’t go to Sly park because of the last year six graders. I wanted to go so bad! I never been to the place so I’m so P@#!%$$#. I think next year is going to be better, at least I hope. Also, I hope my ankle heals or I might be on crutches. What I’m trying to say is ”I Wish THIS YEAR WAS A LITTLE BETTER!”!!!!!!!!!! Rage Quit.


The Good side of it is that my grades are improving. I think I can get my grades up to A’s. We also had a field trip to Jackman which was cool, and were going to Sky high. I’m really going to miss some people. Some of the people in my class are going to my middle school, Jackman. I thought Sixth Grade was going to be super boring, but it turned out to be cool. In act 2 I also made that half court shot in the Championship game against John Reith. I made some highlights in the basketball game.

6th Grade has been Awesome.        

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