
This was so like a boss. How did he even kick it that hard just to get it up there.  This awesome right here. If I did this i would of start crying. Bosses there everywhere. Here’s the thing, I never saw something boss with a soccer ball. I mean I’v seen backward shots and other things, but this is magical. If you think soccer boss is cool hit me up with a comment.

6th Grade


My reason it sucks because I can’t play at recess because of my ankle. Also, I’m going to miss football practice. improving. The thing that also suck is that we can’t go to Sly park because of the last year six graders. I wanted to go so bad! I never been to the place so I’m so P@#!%$$#. I think next year is going to be better, at least I hope. Also, I hope my ankle heals or I might be on crutches. What I’m trying to say is ”I Wish THIS YEAR WAS A LITTLE BETTER!”!!!!!!!!!! Rage Quit.


The Good side of it is that my grades are improving. I think I can get my grades up to A’s. We also had a field trip to Jackman which was cool, and were going to Sky high. I’m really going to miss some people. Some of the people in my class are going to my middle school, Jackman. I thought Sixth Grade was going to be super boring, but it turned out to be cool. In act 2 I also made that half court shot in the Championship game against John Reith. I made some highlights in the basketball game.

6th Grade has been Awesome.        

My favorite movie.

My favorite movie right now is Frozen. The reason I like Frozen is because of the songs they sing. My favorite one is “For the First Time in forever.” My favorite character is Olaf. The reason I like Olaf is because he’s one of those characters that are dumb, but make the movie funny. The part that I hate is when Prince Heinz try’s to kill Elsa. The thing I noticed about Disney movies, is that it starts off funny and then becomes more dramatic. Frozen has been my favorite movie since right now. If you also like Frozen hit me up with a comment. 5 Stars!!!! 🙂


My blog has been going great so far. I’m so happy I got this blog. Thank you Ms.Gaviola for the blog. With blog I can write what’s on my mind. I’ve been making new post almost everyday. I didn’t really think having a blog was going to be fun, but now it’s my favorite thing to do. I’m so glad I went to this class. I’ve been getting comments like crazy from people all around the world. I’d like to thank all the people who commented on my post, but I want to thank Ms. Gaviola for giving me this blog. Thank you everyone and that’s all I have to say.

Smarter Balanced Test

This test was so hard! It took me at least a minute to get past the first answer. I was so made when I to start over. I was almost done and then it just logged me out. I then waited and waited and waited, but all that waiting was because I forgot to tell Ms.Gaviola’s to approval. The school day was over and I was Mad!!! Tomorrow we have to do math and I think it might be easier. Also, since I  didn’t finish I have to make up for it. That’s how my day was when we took the Smarter Balanced Test. Worst day of my life! If the Smarter Balanced Test got on your nerves, drop me a comment.

Rap God

Eminem’s song Rap God is my favorite. The part that I really can get is, “I got a laptop in my back pocket”. The rest I need more work on. This is also cool because he raps so fast. I have never heard a song were someone rapped so fast you couldn’t get what he was saying. My favorite part is were he comes alive and then starts rapping faster than the flash. Rap God is a cool song. When my mom gets me a new MP3 player that’s going to be the only song I’m going to download. If you like Rap God give me a comment.

Kinect Sports Rivals

I really reccomend playing this new Kinect game for Xbox One. This game is awesome. You can make a character that looks exactly like you. The best part is when your character is finished. You have to do all things with your head so you can have a brand ne character. After your done with that, your champion is made. You first start off with training. Your first training mission is in Wakebourding. I really don’t like Wakeboarding. After you do that you do training in Rockclimbing. Rockclimbing really cool. If you finsh all the trainings, you can play Teenis, Soccer, Rockcliming, Shooting, and Bowling. When you learn how too play you can even face people all across the world. If you ever get to play this game drop me a comment.  Your probaly going to play soccer the most.