What I’m Determined to Do This Trimester!

  What I’m determined to this trimester is get on the principal Honor Roll. The reason I’m determined is because, when I saw all the NEHS kids wearing their fancy cloths and getting honored, that made me think. Also, their parents come out and see them make a speech or what not, that made me want to do the same. Now I’m going to turn in my work and do good in school. I’m starting out good. I hope. I think I’m doing good. I think I’ll ask her if I’m doing good.  Never mind I want it to be surprise.  This is what I’m determined to do this trimester. If this is a good determination, give me a comment. 🙂 Determination!!!!



The New Way to Play.

 These kids know how to play. Why is the older sister letting her do this.  If they hit their face you know who to blame. It kind of looks cool to play with a treadmill like that. I wonder how fast they put it on. If the dad or mom walked in, I bet they’ll be laughing so hard. If I where the parent, i’d put it on the internet. The funny part is how the baby went flying and the older sister doesn’t. If you think this is funny drop me a comment. 🙂

My Book Report Plot.



Georgina Hayes

Toby Hayes




Darby, NC







Georgina is the main Character in this story. Georgina is a loudmouth who hates not being answered. She starts to hate living in a car and washing her hair in nearby gas stations.





Toby is Georgina’s little brother and is kind of strange. Georgina and Toby don’t like each other. Toby dislikes Georgina’s plan to steal a dog, but he really doesn’t think for himself.






The mom has the worst life in this story. The mom gets fired from one of her jobs and has Georgina for a child. Toby is her favorite. She likes Toby because he’s always making her feel better in a crisis.





The plot of “How to Steal a Dog” takes place in Darby, NC. A girl named Georgina is going on a mission to steal a dog. The reason Georgina wants to steal a do is because she lives in a car, with her mom and brother, Toby.

Bear vs Human

This awesome, a dance off between  a bear and a human. I think the bear is going to win because who’s seen a bear dance? It’s amazing, I mean we’ve seen  a human dance, but this is the new gen of dancing. I mean whats next, in  the future you see animal’s in your dance class or there’s going to be a show were bears dance to win money. This is just marvelous, amazing, spectacular, etc. The human is also copying Micheal Jackson so he should get disqualified by the judges. If you think the bear is going to beat the human drop me a comment. If you think the human is going to win drop me a comment for that. Vote for the Bear!

Asian Art Museum

   I liked the Asian Art Museum, but the worst part was that it was short. Also, the ride to the Museum was only 2 hours, but I think the ride home was longer.  It was cool to here story’s about Buddha and about all the other different gods. Some of the art looked weird because I didn’t know what they were about, but our guide told us about the art. In my group was Moises, Andrew, Katherine, Maurice, and Me. When we did the yoga I really thought the yoga was kinda strange and I really didn’t participate. It was really cool to go to a museum. I wonder if I’ll ever go back. My mom isn’t going to let us because its to far.