The 5 Steps to have an Awesome Weekend!

Here are the 5 steps to having a Awesome Weekend

  1. Call your doctor so if your thumbs break or their feeling sore,etc.
  2. Make sure you have a comfortable chair or bed!
  3. If you have a mini fridge, just get some of the food from the fridge for easy access.
  4. Play all the video games you have. Examples: God of War 3, Minecraft ,2K 14 etc.
  5. Have good music, I prefer Eminem.

        And those are the 5 steps to having a good weekend. Drop me a comment if this is a good weekend.

My Basketball Game

Union House Elementary School Photo  My basketball game was terrible. The score was 21 to 41. And plus something happened at the game that I don’t want to talk about. I barely got rebounds or shots. Number 30 was my hardest opponent yet. He was taller than me but not better. He was just making shots like it was nothing. I kinda started playing better when coach told me to just go up so I could get fouled and have the 2pts. So, now were like 3-3 I think, I don’t know. I’m going to do better next game. If you have any tips for me hit me up with a comment.