Teen Titans






Teen Titans is about the boy wonder Robin meets new friends named Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, and Star Fire. They were all formed together when Robin was on a mission against a monster, then Beast Boy cane to help him out. So then a masked person came to help (Cyborg) when the battle was over Beast Boy took of his coat and he was a cyborg. All of a sudden an alien was crashing down on earth. Robin wanted to recruit her but then she started fighting them. So they had beat her, then she had lost her memories excepted for her name. Star Fire was her name. And they all joined forces and called themselves the Teen Titans! The team have dedicated there years serving Jump City. Until, they found a new teammate. Her name is Raven she was found in a cave in the dark. She was scared of the Titans so she tried to destroy them but it was stoped when she turned good. If you like the Teen Titans, drop me a comment.

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