Archive | October 1, 2013


Today in the morning I saw a cow and it was 3 years old and it was a girl and she had a baby when she was 2 years old. Did u know that cows are adults when they are 1 years old, the femals are called cows, the boys are called bulls and they have one stomatch. The cows name was Snickers and she was beautiful and the ladie that was telling us about Snickers brought out a baby cow and it was 1 month old. The cows eat side to side and they eat with their back teeth and they are heavier then we are. They have a tag that is caled a ear tag and she has it on both ears. The hay is called Alphalfa hay because Alphalfas hairs sticks out and that is what the hay does too and when the cows swallow their food they bring it back up and they chew it again. Snickers is pregnate again and she is so pretty. We got to touch the baby on the shoulder and it the fur was soft but we couldn’t touch the cow. Did you know there are 700 more cows were Snickers came from and they put some paste on a bump they have for the horns can’t grow and not only the boys have horns so do the girls but if they grow all th cows will fight with horns and it can be dangerous.