I don’t know why we were sent here on Earth or why we each have our own lives, but I what I do know is that you can find many wonderful things in life. One example can be a happily married couple who finally had their first child only to be told that their daughter has cancer. The couple’s daughter has to fight everyday for her life. The couple were hoping that one day she would beat cancer. One day the couple was at the hospital and their daughter’s doctor told them that she did it and she doesn’t have cancer. If you find hope then you can overcome anything just like the couple. Another thing that you will find in life is love. One example can be a male teenager who feels that they aren’t worth anything because he feels lonely. The teenager’s teachers would forget him and people would treat him like he doesn’t exist. He soon starts to realize how great he is and that he is worth something. He eventually learns to love himself. In life you need to love yourself to know that you matter and no one can take the love for yourself away. In life everyone eventually finds their passion. One example can be a young girl who loves to sing, but of course her parents want her to become a doctor. She would sneak away from home to sing on the street or in coffee shops. One day her parents found her in a coffee shop singing and they felt very concerned, but their daughter finally explains to them her passion for singing and they were proud of her for telling them. The girl then became a world wide star and she would always sing her heart out. We will each find our passion and our love for that passion will grow to the point where were not afraid to share our passion. We could also find our strength. One example can be a boy who is constantly being bullied to the point where he would come home bleeding and crying. His parents didn’t know what to do, so they just kept lifting him off his feet. The boy would still not heal from the his wounds emotionally. One day the boy was tired of the bad treatment he received to the point where he finally stood up for himself. The boy realized that he found his strength to stand up for himself and the bullies never bullied him again. We each find our personal strength to resolve conflicts. Life is unexplainable, but I know that you will find hope, love for others and yourself, your passion, your strength, and so much more. We were all chosen to live, but you can’t waste your opportunity because we only live once, so we should make the best of this opportunity. We need to live our moments with the people we love no matter what and we need to keep living to find the wonderful things in life.
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My experience
My experience in sixth-grade changed my life. It changed my life because I got to do a lot of things that I never thought I would do. One thing that I did was eat bugs. I was really scared to try them, but I tried them and they were really good. This changed my life because I will try to remember this moment, so that I can eat new things in the future. Another thing that I did was to go to Sly Park for a whole week without my family. It was really hard to be away from my family, but I did it and I enjoyed going to Sly Park. This moment changed my life because now I can go to places without my family even though it would be very tough. A final thing that I did was speak in front of people for promotion. I was really scared, but I did it and I was loud and clear. This moment changed my life because I can now speak in front of people. As you can see, my sixth-grade experience changed my life.
An Interesting Snack
An Interesting Snack
Have you ever eaten a bug on purpose? My class and I read a TFK article called Bug Business. After we read the article we ate chile lime crickets and spicy superworms. They tasted like cheetos and they were really good. Bugs should be in our diets because they are easy to take care of, they are nutritious, and they are tasty. To begin with, bugs can be easily raised. In fact, insects don’t need a lot of room and they can be fed waste. Next, bugs should be in our diets because they are nutritious. To explain, bugs are packed with protein, vitamins, fiber, and minerals. A final detail is that bugs are tasty and they taste like nuts. People all over the world are eating them, so they must be tasty. All in all, we should include bugs into our diets because they are easy to take care of, they are nutritious, and they are tasty.
The Life Changer
Did you ever get affected by your past that made you be the person who you are today? One day my parents got a divorce and it was really hard for me, but sometimes things happen for a reason. I was always sad because my parents fought a lot, but now I am happy and since my parents got a divorce my family and I had to move to Sacramento. I’m happy that we moved because I got new friends and I got an amazing teacher and they make me happy. The divorce made me realize that no matter how hard things can be, my family and I will get through it together. Just like me, people are affected by their past that can change their personality forever.
The Terrible Day
This story is another one that I wrote and its about a family having a terrible day. I hope you enjoy it.
Once Upon a Time, there was a boy named Adam and he was walking around. While he was walking around he saw a shiny nickel and he was picking it off the floor, but then a person with a bucket of water tripped over him and spilled water all over Adam. On the other hand, Adam’s sister, Alex was at school and her friend thought of a bet that they should do and the bet was who ever loses a game of chess has to where an elf costume for the whole day and, so they decided to do it. Alex and her friend were playing and then all of a sudden Alex’s friend wins the game of chess and, so Alex had to where an elf costume for the whole day. When Alex was wearing the elf costume everyone was making fun of her. On the other hand, Adam’s brother, James was also at school and when he was walking to his locker a jacket landed on his head and he couldn’t see. Since, he couldn’t see he crashed into a locker and he got a bruise on his face and he got sent to the principal’s office. On the other hand, Adam’s mom, Kristin was at the salon and the worker at the salon put face cream on Kristen’s face, but the worker accidently put hair dye instead of face cream, so Kristen’s face was pink. On the other hand Adam’s other brother, Max was in line for a concert and when the security guard scanned his ticket the ticket didn’t work, so Max decided to sneak in the concert, but the security guard caught him and he took Max to jail. When Adam got home everything was strange because Adam was wet, Alex was wearing an elf costume, James had a bruise on his face, and Kristen’s face was pink. Then all of a sudden Kristen got a call saying that Max was in jail, so they all had to get him out of jail. When they got home everyone was tired and miserable, so they decided to lay on a hammock, but then the hammock broke and they all fell and everyone had a terrible day. The End.
An Unusual Love
This story is a story that I wrote and its about a pencil and an eraser falling in love. I hope you enjoy it.
Once Upon a Time, there was a pencil named Bic and he was always lonely until a beautiful eraser came and Bic couldn’t take his eyes off her. Bic knew he was in love and he wanted to talk to her, so one day he opened the pencil box where the eraser was and he said,” hello,”to the eraser and the eraser said,” hello,” back and she said her name was Paper Mate. Bic asked Paper Mate if they can hang out and Paper Mate said,” sure, ”so that night Bic and Paper Mate were walking around, talking, and laughing. Every single day Bic and Paper Mate would hang out, but one day Bic asked Paper Mate if she wants to be his girlfriend and she said,” yes.” As days went by Paper Mate was getting smaller and one day she was gone and when Bic heard the terrible news he was starting to cry and he was going to ask Paper Mate to marry him and it took a long time for Bic to realize that Paper Mate was always with him. The End.
The Map of Mesopotamia
Early people settled where crops grew and the crops grew because of river floods. The Tigris and Euphrates rivers supported the growth of the Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia is located between the two rivers, the Persian Gulf, and the Mediterranean sea. Frequent floods left fresh silt making the land ideal for farming. Because the farmers were able to grow plentiful food, the worlds first civilization developed.