
Photogram1 Photogram2  Photogram4 Photogram5 Photogram6photogram3

A photogram is a photographic image made without a camera by placing objects directly onto the surface of a light-sensitive material such as photographic paper and then exposing it to light. This includes Emilio Amero, and Markus Amm. For next week, I plan to do something elaborate like the last example I have. I might not succeed as well as that artist did, but I will surely attempt too.

Pop Art

Andy1Andy2 Andy3Lich1 Lich2 Lich3

Pop Art is an art movement in the mid 50’s and 60’s. It began in Britain and spread to great measures. A couple of pop art artists include Andy Warhol,Keith Haring,Robert Rauchensberg and Richard Hamilton. When I tried my pop art, I tried it on a picture I took of my sister.

PopArtExamp  EscalanteTPopArt1


10 Composition Rules

Rule of Thirds


The rule of thirds says that you should position the most important elements in your scene along lines that in total are 9 (3×3), or at the points where they intersect.

Balancing Elements


Balancing the weight within your photo can create a less of an empty feeling.

Leading Lines 



Lines can be used to enhance your photos. They naturally attract the eye and it can help you attract your main subject.

Symmetry and Patterns


It makes for a very eye-catching composition. They can also break the symmetry or pattern in some way, introducing tension and a focal point.



It can greatly affect the message of your picture. Rather than shooting at just eye level, taking photos from above or grounds, from the side, and so on, it can increase the attraction of your photo.



A plain and less distracted of a background can help focus on your subject in a better manner as compared to using a busy background. A busy background can really flatten out your pictures if they are not used correctly.




You can create depth in a photo by including objects in the foreground, middle ground and background. Overlapping can also help obscure one object to another.



By placing natural objects around your picture, it can help create a framing effect. It will help isolate the subject from the outside world.



Cropping your photos will help reduce heavy surroundings. You can eliminate background “Noises” by focusing in on your subjects.



With experimenting, we can try multiple things with taking more than one photo. We can try things such as different viewpoints and then you get to chose the best picture. Overall, experimentation can help you find a picture you like best of particularly the same object.






Surrealism art was art that was extremely popular in the 1920’s after war. It was the combination of imaginary images and real images.

Smiling Woman Eating Cereal

Selfie Nation

EscalanteTSelfie3FINALEscalanteTSelfie2FINAL EscalanteTSelfie1FINALThe first selfie, I took it because I let my friends do my hair and make up last week. The second selfie I took with Pluto at Disneylad. The third selfie I took becauase I was bored. Selfies are important because you cant ask people to take pictures of you forever.