
For Distortion, I changed my eye color & changed my physical appearance.

EscalanteTDistortion1 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA It is crazy to me the power in technology and how much the media really fools us. Natural should always be beautiful and I think social media is slowly changing that, making beautiful people insecure.

Animal Human Hybrid


The animal I chose to represent me is the leopard. The leopard was greatly praised in Egypt where priests would wear the leopard skin. Only those worthy in status would wear the leopard skin. The leopard symbolizes mystery, strength, and fierceness. They know how to act in situations regardless how quick they happen. I selected the animal because I know I am strong but I do not always act like it. I remain calm until necessary although I rarely feel the need to. I feel I am very strong emotionally and physically. The leopard accurately represents me.

LINKS: livingartsoriginals.com & universeofsymbolism.com