About The Sun
What are some cool information about the Sun?Well here are some.First,the Sun is formed about 4.5 billion years ago in the Milky Way galaxy.Also,a large flare happen every 11 year.Another fact is around three fourth of the Sun is hydrogen and the rest is mostly helium.Next,the Sun is not a solid object, but we can detect a visible surface. Also,1.3 million Earths can fit in the Sun.Lastly,the Sun is 93 million miles away from the Earth.Did you learn something new about the Sun?
Hi Ellie–
I did indeed learn more about the sun! The biggest surprise is that the sun is not a solid object. Who knew?
I like the picture you chose!
Mrs. Kriese
#StuBC Official Commenter
I´m glad you got to learn something new about the sun!Thanks,I also like the picture!