With 24 students filming/editing their own movies, classifying them into their own categories might make it easier to identify the objective of project.
Script/Storyboard/Movie: Michael’s My Lost Homework
“Wheres my home work”I ,asked “Did you check your desk” Javonte,asked “Yeah thats where I first checked”I,said “Well what did you do before you came to school” Javonte,said “I took the bus over here”I,said “Is on the bus” Javonte,said ”… Continue Reading
Narrative (Voiceover) for Second Movie
Insert narrative here. Watch for spelling, capitalization, punctuation. Use sentence variety and one or two of the five senses.
Script/Storyboard/Movie: Benjamin’s The Boring Day
”What should we do today?” said Ben. ”I don’t know what do you want to do” said Javonte. “I don’t know, what time is it?” said Ben. ”I don’t know look at the clock of course.” said Javonte. ”Oh look… Continue Reading
Movie: Adrian’s Homework
Storyboard/Movie: Araceli’s The Animal Report
Script/Movie: Johnny’s “The Monster That Ate Homework”
“What sup Greg.” I said “Back to you.” Greg said “Whats that noise?” I asked grumble grumble. ” Why don’t you check it out.” Greg said “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Monster!”I yelled “OHHHHHHHHH. It’s just you Greg.” I said ” Why are you… Continue Reading