SECC Interviews (Updated x2)


Get ready guys and gals. The organization that puts on the SEVAs is looking to interview you about your work. I’ve asked for either April 13, 14, and 15 between 10 – 12 o’clock. Be prepared to answer questions about your movie. They can’t interview everyone but we can be prepared.

Be warned: You will be filmed!

(Update 1: April 13th is our day! And no, the man in the picture is not giving the interview. Just some random dude.)

(Update 2: Here are the questions you’ll be asked…
What’s your name?
What video did you make?
What was your role in making the video?
What did you like most about making videos?
Any difficulties that you overcame during the process of making your video?
Learn anything new about making videos?
What makes a good educational video?
Is video a powerful tool to share your ideas?
What do you think about the SEVAs.
Do you think it’s important/special to make videos in school?)


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