

  1. The American Revolution began because people were forced to live with British Soldiers, were paying extra taxes, and getting taxation without representation. Colonists were forced to live with British soldiers. Colonists had to give food and shelter, they also had to follow directions and listen to rules. The colonists had to pay extra money. They payed for tea, land deeds, newspapers, card games, dice games, and graduation diplomas. They had taxation without representation. They couldn’t complain and they had no say because the British Parliament wouldn’t listen to colonists. People being forced to live with the Redcoats, paying extra taxes, and getting taxation without representation is why the Revolution began.

  2.     The Revolution began because the Patriots were tired of having British soldiers in their homes, paying taxes, and having taxation without representation. The colonist were upset because Redcoats took over their houses. Colonist had to give the soldiers their food and house because the Redcoats were protecting them from invaders. The colonist were angry that they had to pay more money because of taxes. With taxes around people had to pay more for newspapers, land deeds, card games, ect. To have taxation without representation made Patriots outrage. Colonist were paying for taxes but they couldn’t complain because no colonist could be in the Parliament. To pay extra taxes, have Rdecoats live in their houses, and have taxation without represesntation made Patriots start the Revolution.

  3. The American Revolution began because of taxaion without representation,british soilder living with the colonist,and paying extra taxes. First, taxtion without representation was hard for the colonist. The britsh was raising taxes and not allowing the colonist to fight against it. The colonist weren’t able to send someone to speak for them. Second, british soilder was living with the colonist. Britan decided where people could live. The colonist provided housing and food. Last, the colonist had to paid extra taxes on newspaper,land deeds,card game,dice game,and graduation diplomas. Later 1773 they only paid taxes on tea. Taxtion without representation,british soilder living with colonist,and paying extra taxes and the colonist didn’t like it.

  4. The colonists started the American revolution because of the taxes,taxation without representation,and the british soldiers were living with them.One of the things that started the revolution was the colonists had to pay taxes.The colonists had to pay taxes for card games,tea,the deeds,certificates,and dice games.And another reason is the colonists had to live with british soldiers the british were making the colonists make food for them and take care of them.And the colonists had no way to complain.The colonists had no say in the british government about taxation.So paying taxes,having no representation,and having to live with the british solders is what made the colonists start the war.

  5. The revolution began, because of taxes, ” taxation without representation “, and the Red Coats living with the colonists. One of the reasons the revolution began is because, the New England colonies didn’t think they should pay extra for newspapers, land deeds, card games, dice games, and even graduation diplomas. Another reason why the revolution began is because, the colonists did not enjoy the Red Coats living with them. The colonist were forced to let the Red Coats live with them,and the colonists had to cook, and care for them. New England colonists did not believe “taxation without representation”, was right. “Taxation without representation”, made the colonists upset because, they didn’t get a chance to share what they thought about “taxation'”. Taxes, taxation without representation, and the Red Coats living with the colonists started the revolution.

  6. The American Revolution began because they have to live with the british soldier, pay taxes and had taxation without representation.The colonies wasn’t happy because that had to pay taxes. The colonies had to pay taxes on newspaper, land deeds, card games, dice games and graduation diploma. To have british soldier live in the colonies house made them feel unhappy. They had to cook,clean and do things for the british soldiers. There were taxation without representation. The colonies couldn’t tell the british soldier that they don’t want taxes. The american revolution began because there were many problems.

  7. The American Revolution Started because the Colonist were forced to have the Redcoat live with the colonist, pay extra, and having no say to tell British good ideas. The first thing the Colonist hated was the taxes on newspaper, land deed, card games, dice games, graduation diplomas, even tea!


  8. The American Revolution war began because of colonist didn’t what to pay extra taxes,didn’t what the


  9. The American Revolution Started because the Colonist were forced to have the Redcoat live with the colonist, pay extra, and having no say to tell British good ideas. The first thing the Colonist hated was the taxes on newspaper, land deed, card games, dice games, graduation diplomas, even tea! The British took all the taxes off except the taxes on tea, The colonist were still angry. Then came alone the Redcoats.,they now live with the colonists. Not only does the Redcoat lives with the colonists, the colonists have to make food and take care of the Redcoats. The colonists had to way to complain, and no one from the colonist was allowed to be a member of the British Parliament.( The one that makes the rules) Then James Otis gathered the colonist and said they won’t pay taxes until they will be able to send a person to speak for the Colonies in Parliament.

  10.     The American Revolution war began because of Colonist didn’t what to pay extra taxes, didn’t what the British soldiers to live with the colonist, and taxation without representation. Taxation without representation was hard for the colonist.The british parliament were raising taxes and not allowing the colonist to fight against it the colonist weren’t able to send someone to speak for them. The colonist were forced to live with the british soldiers. The british soldiers decided where the colonist had to live. The didn’t want to pay extra taxes. At first colonist paid extra taxes on newspapers , land deed,card games,dice games,and diplomas later in 1773 they only pat tax on tea. The American Revolution war began of all these things, taxation without representation,british soldiers living with the colonist,and paying extra taxes.

    • Josh,

      Make sure to capitalize the word “British” every time you use it. Your three reasons are correct. What does it mean to “pat” taxes? Misspelling can be distracting. Be careful. Overall, I like your paragraph.

  11.     The revolution started because the colonists had to pay extra
    money for taxes ,had british soldiers in their houses,and had taxation without representation.The colonists paid extra taxes for almost everything.The colonists had to pay extra money for newspapers,land deeds,cardgames,dicegames,and for graduation diplomas.Having brtish soldiers in their houses made the colnists feel upset.In their own homes not only did they have to feed them they also had to care for them.When colonists wanted to complain they couldn’t.The colonists had no in british paraliment,so no one listend to their ideas.The amrican revolution began because the redcoats were living in their homes,charging extra money for everything,and had taxation without

    • Lateah,

      Good paragraph so far. Your reasons for the Revolution starting are correct but your spacing of words and sentences can be distracting. Also, please capitalize American Revolution when you copy and paste your paragraph to correct. Thanks!

  12. The Amearican Revelution began because paying taxsation without repersantation Also,the colinist did not like why the british soliders lived with the colinist.They did not like paying extra taxes they payed extra moneyfor every thing tea,dicegames,cardgames,and graduation depolmas .So manypeople had to go to church for religus resons.If you fellasleep in church or talked or evendid not did what the church did they would be punished.If they did any of those things they wouldbe put in stokes,thats how to Amearican Revelution started.

    • Courtney,

      Watch your spelling. You have four misspelled words in the first sentence. It can be distracting. Also, the religion sentence belongs in the essay you’re writing for the New England Colonies. Good effort so far but you can improve it! Thanks!

  13. The Revolution began because the taxes having to be payed, the British soldiers living in people’s houses and Taxation without Representation. Having the Patriots pay the taxes made them angry, The colonist had to pay for newspaper, land deeds, card games, and even for graduation diplomas. Secondly, the colonist had to let the British soldiers live in their house. The colonist had to give them food and care for them.Finally, the Patriots were under Taxation without Representation.They didn’t get any say against the British soldiers. They couldn’t complain because the taxes were expensive. The Revolution started because th Taxation without Representation, the colonist being forced to house the British soldiers,and paying the extra taxes.

  14. The American Revolution started when King George forced the colonies to let in the redcoats and the colonies needed to pay extra taxes for the stuff they get. The colonist had to pay taxes for various products. The colonist had to pay the taxes because of the law have them pay extra money for newspaper, land deed, card games, dice games, and even graduation diploma. To have the redcoats be in there home made the colonist upset. Not only did the colonist have to let in the redcoats into their homes they also had to cook and care for them. King George rule of letting in the redcoats and having to pay taxes is not fair for the colonist. Having to let in the redcoats in wasnt fair rule and the taxes were not even incomplete

  15. The Revolution began because the Colonists had to share house with the British soldiers, pay extra, and taxation without representation. The Redcoats made the colonists still cook and cared for the Redcoats. The Colonists didn’t complain because no one was allowed to be a member of the British Parliament. At the end the Redcoats and the Colonists fought against each other.

  16. The American Revolution started when King George forced the colonies to let in the redcoats and the colonies need to pay the taxes for the stuff they use. The colonist had to pay taxes for various products. The colonist had to pay the taxes because of the law have them pay extra money for newspaper, land deed, card games, dice games, graduation diploma. To have the redcoats live in their homes made the colonist upset. Not only did colonist have to allow the redcoats into their home they had to cook and care for them. King George rule of letting in the redcoats and having to pay taxes is not a fair rule for the colonist. Having to let in the redcoats in wasn’t fair either they wanted to start the American Revolution so they don’t have to let in the redcoats and don’t have to pay taxes everywhere the wanted freedom. the war against the british began because the patriots did not wanted the redcoat living in their home they did not want to pay taxes and wanted to say to the Government of England.

  17. The American revalution began because of the colonist payed taxation without reposition. British solders living with colonist, and payd exera taxes. First, the King raises extra taxation without reposition and to the colonist they can not do nothing about it. Second, british solders living with the colonist ,the king decides were the colonist should live with the british solders. Last, pay extra taxes at first colonist payed extra taxes on newspapers, boardgames,dice games,and even graduation diplomas. Later, in 1773 only on tea there was taxes.The british solders living with the colonist,paying extra taxes,taxation without reposition is how the war stared.

  18. The Revoulution began by the British soldiers housing with colonist, taxation without representation, and paying extra. British soldiers living with colonists made the colonists unhappy. The colonist were being forced to live with the Redcoats by the king and take care for them too. The colonists have no say in the British parliment. Unfairly the British goverment ignores the colonists. In the New England colonies the British parliment made them pay extra. The colonists had to pay more for newspapers,card and dice games, tea, land deeds and diplomas. Having the Redcoats living in colonists homes , no one representing them in the British parliment, and paying more taxes than they have to started the Revoulution.

  19.      The colonist started the revolution because of taxation without representation, British soldiers living in the colonists house, and they had no say. The colonists were mad about the british soldiers living with them. The british forced the colonist to provide food and housing to have british live with them. The colonist payed taxes for various products under law called “stamp act”. The colonists had to pay extra taxes for newspaper, land deeds, card games, dice games, and even graduation diplomas. Having no say made them have a revolution. The colonists should have a say because they are the same as the british. The revolution started because the british treat the colonists right.

  20. In 1760 the Revolution War started because of Taxation without Representation and having British living with Colonist. The Revolution War started because of Taxation. They had to pay taxes for Land deeds, Card games, and even Graduation Diplomas. A other reason the war started was because the British lived with the Colonist. The Colonist had to take care of British by caring for them and made them food. The Colonist had no Representation. Since the Colonist had no

  21. The first settlers in the colonies liked having the british help and protection. British Soldiers were here to help them fight as france,spain from invading . The colonies grew tired of following british rules. England controlled trade and told people were to settle. they forced the colonies to provide housing, and food


  22. In 1760 the Revolution War started because of Taxation without Representation and having British living with Colonist. The Revolution War started because of Taxation. They had to pay taxes for Land deeds, Card games, and even Graduation Diplomas. A other reason the war started was because the British lived with the Colonist. The Colonist had to take care of British by caring for them and made them food. The Colonist had no Representation. Since the Colonist had no Representation they couldn’t tell the British new ideas. In the 1760’s a Revolution war started because of Taxation without Representation and having British live with Colonist

  23.      The first settlers in the colonies liked having the british help and protection. British Soldiers were here to help them fight as france,spain from invading . The colonies grew tired of following british rules. England controlled trade and told people were to settle. they forced the colonies to provide housing, and food for the british solders. The colonist also had to pay extra tax money for newspaper, land deeds, card games, dice games, and evan graduation diplomas. Otis a boston lawyer stirred up the colonist when he said they should not pay tax money until they could speak for the colonist

  24. The american revolution started becaus of taxatation without representation, they had to pay extra taxes, and british soldiers living with the colonists. The first reason is because of taxatation without representation. The british king were raising taxes and not allowing to fight against it and the colonist werent allowed tosend someone to speak for them. The second reason is the british soldiers living with the colonists. The british king decided were people could live and the colonist had to fead them and clean after them. The third and final reason is that they had to pay extra taxes. At first the colonist had to pay extra taxes on newspaper, land deeds, dice games, card games, and even graduation diplomas. later in 1773 they only paid taxes on tea. In conclusion the ameican revolution began by taxatation without representation, they have to pay extra taxes and the british soldiers living with the colonists.

  25. The Revolution war started because the colonist was tired of following the british rule. the british soldier protect them cause they get them food the british soldier. the colonist have to pay extras money for newspaper landeeds and even card game dice game and for the graduation for diplomas. the british took away all of the taxes except the one on tea. angry patriot dressed as mohawk indians and dumped 342 crates of tea into the boston harbor. king george decided to punish the boston tea party.and some people have to pay taxes.

  26. The Revolgtion war started. The Native American bebent wont the France and spain frum envading. King george woned to punesh Bostion tea. The peaple woned to group and protest British texes. The peaple gothrd up and wonted to gove the governgtion to the colonies. Lexingtion and Concrd Massachusetts on April 19 1775. This wus how the American Revolution war ended.

  27.     The first settlers in the colonies liked having the british help and protection. British Soldiers were here to help them fight as france,spain from invading . The colonies grew tired of following british rules. England controlled trade and told people were to settle. they forced the colonies to provide housing, and food for the british solders. The colonist also had to pay extra tax money for newspaper, land deeds, card games, dice games, and evan graduation diplomas. Otis a boston lawyer stirred up the colonist when he said they should not pay tax money until they could speak for the colonist in the paradigm. After years of protest the british took all the tax except for the tea. After a while angry patriots dressed as mohawk indians and dumped 342 crates of tea in the boston harbor.

  28. The revaltion began beades the high pries in taxes. The britsh soldigers living in peole home & tax without pay the taxes madetham angre

  29. The war ended because the britsh gave up.The war ended because Redcats thought by ears had a longtime of pighting.

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