

  1. I like this movie because it is about friendship and standing up for yourself with bullies.

    • I agree with you, Vanessa. I think this might be the first video production I’ve seen where the victim is able to stand up for herself. So many great camera shots too.

      • I made so many camera shots because I didn’t want it to seem boring,not that any one’s movie’s are boring. If the victim doesn’t stand up for themselves then the bully is going to keep doing the same thing over and over again.

  2. I learned a lot in your movie. Your editing was paced really well.

    • Thank you. I tried to make the message clear. I guess I can call myself a good editter.

  3. I really liked this movie the best it will teach people not to bully or tease any one thats what i like about it thanks! I would really like if ur class visited my teacher and our class blog thank you.

    • Thank you. I tried to make this movie educational. What is your blogs name?

  4. I really liked this movie it was a good movie to teach kids and people not to bully thank you!I would really like for you to visit our blog

  5. Jazmine,

    What a fabulous video with a strong message! We can all learn a valuable lesson from your project. I am so proud of you and your talent in making this movie. Keep up the fantastic work!

    Ms. Cheung

    • Thank you. I try my best on every single movie I make. It is a great experience. I hope I can continue making movies as I grow older and go to higher grades. Thank you for the encouragement.

  6. I liked the twist where the 2 mean girls turned on the main mean girl towards the end. Bullying is such a big problem. Kudos for you for presenting role models who stand up for themselves.

    • Thank you for the comment. It was very much appreciated. I try to make the message very clear so people would stop bullying.

  7. I ment I might want my brother to be in the movie.

    It’s alright with me! Mr. A

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