Dear Parents,
Welcome December! Although this time of year is traditionally very busy, it is still one of my favorites. I love the songs and the lights and the giving of gifts. I hope you will find much to enjoy this season as well.
Of course, along with the beginning of December, comes the nippy weather. Brrrrr! Curl up in the evenings with a nice cup of hot coffee, tea or cocoa and snuggle with your sweet children.
Please remember to put your child’s name on sweaters, sweatshirts, and jackets so we can get these items to the appropriate person if left on the playground or in the classroom.
Mark your calendars:
Minimum day – On Friday, December 20th, dismissal is at 12:30 for grades 1st – 6th.
Cookies and Cocoa party – On Friday, December 20th, we will have a cookies and cocoa party in our classroom. Students will be exchanging compliment cards for their classmates. Please read the parent letter that was sent home in the Cougar folder on Monday.
Winter Vacation – December 20th – January 7th; school resumes on January 8th.
Here is a look at what we will be doing in class this week:
Math – We have begun a new chapter this week and will be learning about division. Also, make sure your child is practicing those multiplication facts! It is very important that they know them with automaticity.
Reading – We are reading about how the holidays are celebrated around the world. This week, we will be reading stories and discussing celebrations in Mexico. Students will be reviewing setting, characters, problem and solution as well as identifying new facts they learn.
Spelling – We will be learning how to spell plural nouns: when to add -s, -es, or change the ending to -ies.
Writing – We are writing our second personal narrative.
Science – We are learning about how to avoid mosquitos.
Social Studies – We are finishing up our study of Native Americans. Students will be writing a paragraph or two related to a nonfiction article we have read as a class.
P.E. – We have P.E. on Tuesday and Thursday.
Computers – Students will go to their computer class on Friday.
Holiday Shop – Students will shop in the Holiday Shop to buy gifts for family members and/or friends if they would like. Our day to shop is Monday the 9th.
There will not be library this week.